[Candrama] Call for Applications

Acts of Listening Lab acts.listeninglab at concordia.ca
Fri Dec 21 20:12:50 EST 2018

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Artist-Researcher in Residence—Winter 2019

Acts of Listening Lab

With an emphasis on listening in
post-conflict zones, and research-creation that responds to questions of memory, justice, and storytelling, Dr. Luis Carlos Sotelo Castro’s Acts of Listening Lab (ALLab) complements the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling’s existing strengths in sharing authority and difficult knowledge. This state-of-the-art laboratory forms an integral part of COHDS’s research and creation activities and facilitates a core objective: to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration through oral history, the arts, and digital media.

Artist-Researcher in Residence Program

The Acts of Listening Lab, in partnership with the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, invites theatre or performance artists-researcher who would like to undertake a project that investigates the role of listening in the context of oral history performance to submit an application to the Artist-Researcher in Residence Program 2019.

The chosen artist-researcher will be provided with access to the lab space and equipment for a period of one week, from February 25th to March 1st 2019, to complete their project, with the possibility of additional hours throughout the winter semester. Furthermore, a basic technical training with the available audio and video equipment will be provided to the artist-researcher before the start of the residence program. Additional support during the residence is possible for an administrative fee.

Eligibility Requirements
* The artist-researcher should have demonstrated experience in theatre or any form of performance.
* Proposed projects should be focused on listening and have a connection to oral history.
* The artist-researcher must be a COHDS affiliate OR become one by the residence program date.


Application Requirements:

Please describe your project using the following headings and within the indicated maximum word limits:

1. Title and (150 words max) brief description of the proposed project

2. (3 pages max) including: Detailed description of the proposed project
* The goals, outcomes, and perceived benefits of the project
* A list and/or description of potential community participants if any at all
* The names of all artists-researcher to be involved (please append an abbreviated CV or resume (3 pages max) for each artist-researcher, including yourself, who will be involved in the project

3. performance (1 page max) Relevance of the proposed project to listening and oral history
4. Description of how the proposed project connects with the professional development plans of the artist-researcher involved. Proposals are welcomed from artist-researchers both within and independent from Concordia.

5. A timeline for the realization of the project (1 page max) indicating any significant “milestones” to be accomplished during the tenure of the project

Criteria for evaluation: Projects will be evaluated based on the following:

The degree to which the project addresses and furthers the research and overall goals of the Acts of Listening Lab and Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling, including sharing authority and difficult knowledge, fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration and the potential contribution to knowledge in the field of oral history and performance

The artistic and social merits of the project including its potential for artistic innovation and growth, and its positive impact on both the artist(s)-researcher and community or communities involved

The quality and thoughtfulness of the project’s overall planning and conception including presentation, background research, cultural competencies, timelines, outcomes, etc.

Applicants are also welcome to submit supplemental materials such as photos, audio clips, videos, journal or newspaper articles, reviews of the their work etc.

The projects will be evaluated by a special committee composed of members of the Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling community. The evaluation committee may seek advice from outside sources when it deems necessary.

Completed application forms can be sent via email to: acts.listeninglab at concordia.ca
In the subject write ALLab – artist-researcher application.


Copyright © ALLab. All rights reserved.

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Acts of Listening Lab . 1400 de Maisonneuve Blvd W . Montreal, Qc H3G 1M8 . Canada

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