[Candrama] Deadline Extended for CATR Seminar on Artistic Research

Esling, Natalia nesling at mail.ubc.ca
Tue Jan 21 16:27:01 EST 2020

Canadian Association of Theatre Research/Société quebécoise d’études théâtrales 
Conference Theme: “Partition/Ensemble”

May 25th-28th, 2020   //   Montreal, Québec
Université du Québec à Montréal & Concordia University

Seminar Title: Articulations of Division and Unity: Re-evaluating Practices of Artistic Research
Co-Conveners: Natalia Esling (UBC) & Bruce Barton (U of Calgary)

Please submit proposals (300 words) and a short bio (50 words) to Natalia Esling (natalia.esling at ubc.ca) and Bruce Barton (bruce.barton at ucalgary.ca) by February 1, 2020.

Focus: The focus of this seminar is on expanding awareness of, and directing attention to, traditionally marginalized or underrepresented voices whose diverse experiences and backgrounds can inevitably enrich the field of Artistic Research (AR). Part of this work involves addressing a paradox within AR—that the set of practices enabling it to transcend lines of division also often, if unintentionally, works to reinforce them. To this end, we invite proposals that query lines of separation inherent within AR and that prioritize a diversity of perspectives from a range of communities.
Issues & Goals: The aim of this seminar is to address gaps in the field of AR related to privileged perspectives/ontologies and to trouble the idea that collaborative/ensemble practices might in fact also reify certain divisions. Our goal is to tease out various assumptions inherent in practices of AR, and to more clearly understand and articulate how a focus on diversity (of cultural, language, background, and ability) can inform the development of the field. 
Structure & Schedule:
•	A selection of no more than 12 participants will be invited to attend the seminar in accord with the above noted criteria. We will notify those accepted by February 1st, 2020. 
•	By March 20th, 2020, all invited participants will be asked to share (electronically) with the full group an 8-page articulation of a personal Artistic Research activity that engages with the above-identified focus. (Additional criteria for these documents will be distributed to all accepted participants.)
•	By April 1st, 2020, co-conveners will organize participants into sub-groups.
•	Between April 1st and May 1st, sub-groups will be responsible for reading/experiencing each other’s work and meeting (via Skype, Zoom, telephone, or email) to engage in discussion around 2-3 thematic questions (to be proposed).
•	By May 1st, each sub-group will submit a 1-2-page summary of their discussion and responses, and outlining key disruptions and intersections generated through their exchange. All seminar participants are asked to read/experience these materials.
•	For the first 2 hours of our in-person meeting, each sub-group will present their collective ideas and responses (via traditional summary, creative/performative means and/or through a participatory activity) to inspire deeper, more focused exchange on the topic.
•	The final hour of the seminar will take the form of an open discussion between the seminar participants and audience members.
•	The entire seminar will be open to all conference attendees.


Natalia Esling, PhD
(she / her)
SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Department of Theatre & Film
University of British Columbia
Unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Territory
natalia.esling at ubc.ca

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