[Candrama] Call for Nominations for 2025 CATR Associateships

Robin Whittaker rwhit at stu.ca
Mon Dec 16 14:50:42 EST 2024

Dear Candrama Colleagues,

I hope the season is treating everyone well! Below is the 2025 Call for Nominations for the Canadian Association for Theatre Research’s Associateships. The Board and I look forward to considering your nominations. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me (rwhit at stu.ca<mailto:rwhit at stu.ca>) if you have any questions.


Dr. Robin C. Whittaker
CATR/ACRT President
Associate Professor, Drama, Department of English, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB
Alumnae Theatre Company: Nonprofessionalizing Theatre in Canada

St. Thomas University is situated on the traditional territory of the Wolastoqiyik, Wəlastəkewiyik / Maliseet whose ancestors along with the Mi’Kmaq / Mi’kmaw and Passamaquoddy / Peskotomuhkati Tribes / Nations signed Peace and Friendship Treaties with the British Crown in the 1700s.

[Le français suit.]

2025 Call for Nominations for the CATR Associateships

The Canadian Association for Theatre Research invites nominations for its Distinguished Scholar Associateship and for its Honorary Associateship.

The Distinguished Scholar Associateship is given each year to a scholar whose body of work has made a significant contribution to the study of drama, theatre, and performance, broadly understood, of what is now known as Canada.

The Honorary Associateship is given each year to any individual who has made a significant and sustained contribution to Canadian theatre practice.

Both awards are presented at CATR’s annual conference. Recipients of these awards are offered lifetime associateships in the Association with all the benefits thereof. From the nominations received, the CATR Board will select the recipients and the President of the Association will invite them to attend the conference to receive their Associateships. Typically, the person selected is affiliated with the city or region where that year’s annual conference is being hosted. The Association reserves the right to not give out either Associateship in a given year.

If you wish to nominate someone for either of these Associateships, please write with a brief rationale by Friday, January 10, 2025 to CATR President Robin C. Whittaker (rwhit at stu.ca<mailto:rwhit at stu.ca>).

For a list of past Associateship recipients, please see https://catracrt.ca/distinguished-scholar-and-honorary-associates<https://squarespace.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71890148474694baaaa8eddaf&id=8268e6d451&e=f70d86bac6>.


2025 Appel de candidatures : Prix Hommage et Membre associé

L’Association canadienne de recherche théâtrale sollicite des candidatures pour ses prix Hommage et Membre associé.

Le prix Hommage est attribué annuellement à une chercheuse ou un chercheur qui a contribué de façon importante à l’étude de l’art dramatique, du théâtre et de la performance au Canada tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui.

Le prix Membre associé est remis chaque année à une personne qui a fait une contribution importante et régulière à la pratique théâtrale canadienne.

Les deux prix seront remis lors du colloque annuel de l’ACRT. Les lauréats de ces prix deviennent membres associés à vie au sein de l’Association, avec tous les avantages que ça suppose. Dans le bassin des candidatures reçues, le conseil d’administration de l’ACRT sélectionnera les lauréats, puis la personne présidant l’Association les invitera à participer au colloque pour recevoir leur prix. Habituellement, la personne choisie est affiliée à la ville ou à la région où se tiendra le colloque annuel. L’Association se réserve le droit de ne pas remettre chaque année de prix Membre associé.

Si vous désirez proposer la candidature d’une personne pour un de ces deux prix, veuillez faire parvenir un court texte justificatif au plus tard le 10 janvier 2025 au président de l’ACRT, Robin C. Whittaker  (rwhit at stu.ca<mailto:rwhit at stu.ca>).

La liste des lauréats des prix Hommage et Membre associé est disponible ici: https://catracrt.ca/distinguished-scholar-and-honorary-associates<https://squarespace.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71890148474694baaaa8eddaf&id=513db069d4&e=f70d86bac6>.
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