[Candrama] New IFTR Working Group - Performance and Migration

Yana Meerzon Yana.Meerzon at uOttawa.ca
Tue May 21 15:42:49 EDT 2024

Dear colleagues
Yana Meerzon (UOttawa, Canada), Steve E. Wilmer (Trinity College, Dublin), and Sheetala Bhat (York University, Canada) would like to invite you to join the creation of a new IFTR working group on Performance and Migration. The group has been meeting online during the 2023-2024 academic year and has been accepted for a three-year partnership with CATR (Canadian Association for Theatre Research).  During the IFTR 2024 conference in Manila, the group will hold its first “business meeting” to collect expressions of interest and signatures from the IFTR members, who will want to become the core members of the group.
If you’re planning to travel to Manila this year and if you’re interested in the creation of this new group, please, send expressions of interest by June 15, 2024 to
Yana Meerzon (ymeerzon at uottawa.ca<mailto:ymeerzon at uottawa.ca>), Steve E. Wilmer (SWILMER at tcd.ie<mailto:SWILMER at tcd.ie>), and Sheetala Bhat (bsheetal at yorku.ca<mailto:bsheetal at yorku.ca>)

Yana Meerzon

Professeure titulaire| Full Professor

Directrice des études théâtrales | Director of Theatre Studies

Département de théâtre | Department of Theatre
Université d’Ottawa | University of Ottawa
135 Séraphin-Marion, bureau 304B
Ottawa (ON), Canada, K1N 6N5


Editor. Critical Stages/Scènes critiques<http://www.critical-stages.org/19/the-essay-section-la-section-des-essais/>
Co-Editor. Palgrave Studies in Performance and Migration (book series)<https://www.springer.com/series/17066>

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