[Candrama] Theatre Annual 2025 CFP (deadline February 15, 2025)

Peter P Reed preed at olemiss.edu
Mon Feb 3 09:54:55 EST 2025

Dear Colleagues,

With my apologies for cross-posting:  

Please share the following CFP with interested colleagues and graduate students.  I look forward to another year of excellent essays and creative, challenging, and inspiring work!

Peter Reed

Dr. Peter Reed (he/him/his)
Professor, Department of English
University of Mississippi
University, MS 38677

Editor, Theatre Annual: A Journal of Theatre and Performance of the Americas <https://theatreannual.atds.org/>
Peter Reed, Rogue Performances: Staging the Underclasses in Early American Theatre Culture (Palgrave, 2009) <https://link.springer.com/book/10.1057/9780230622715>
Peter Reed, Staging Haiti in Nineteenth-Century America: Revolution, Race and Popular Performance (Cambridge UP, 2022) <https://www.cambridge.org/us/academic/subjects/arts-theatre-culture/american-theatre/staging-haiti-nineteenth-century-america-revolution-race-and-popular-performance?format=HB&isbn=9781009100526#bookPeople>

> ********
> Deadline: February 15, 2025 
> A Journal of Theatre and Performance of the Americas 
> Call for Articles 
> 2025 Issue 
> Theatre Annual is the oldest theatre periodical continuously published in the United States. It is dedicated to examining theatre and performance of the Americas. We construe “America” broadly to include North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean Islands. Articles may treat work in these geographic areas or work from these areas that is presented elsewhere in the world. We welcome articles on the history and ethnography of performance, drawing from such areas as theatre studies, performance studies, popular culture, music, anthropology, dance, communication, philosophy, folklore, history, and areas of interest that cross disciplinary lines. 
> Submissions should follow the guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition (endnotes, no Works Cited list). Authors should submit articles as Word attachments to the editor, Peter Reed (University of Mississippi, preed at olemiss.edu <mailto:preed at olemiss.edu>). In order to assist in the anonymous peer review process, the author’s identity should not be revealed in the manuscript except on a separate title page that should also include full contact information (academic affiliation, mailing address, home, cell, and work telephone numbers, and email address). Articles should be 5,000 to 6,500 words long including notes. Illustrations are highly desirable; authors are responsible for securing rights. Our submission deadline is February 15, 2025. Please allow at least eight weeks after the deadline for a response. 
> Scholars wishing to write book reviews for Theatre Annual are invited to send an inquiry to the book review editor, Michael Lueger (Emerson College / Boston College, mlueger at gmail.com <mailto:mlueger at gmail.com>). If accepted, reviewers are asked to prepare their manuscripts in conformity with the guidelines in The Chicago Manual of Style without footnotes and submit them as a Word attachment.  Reviews should be 750 to 800 words for a review of a single book, 1,000 to 1,200 words for a two-book review, and 2,500 words for a five- or six-book review essay. Submission deadline is April 1, 2025. If publishers would like to send review copies, they should contact the book review editor via email to make arrangements.  
> Theatre Annual, founded in 1942 by the Theatre Library Association, is now published in the fall of each year by The College of William and Mary in Virginia, in association with the American Theatre and Drama Society. For more information on TA, see http://theatreannual.atds.org/ 

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