[CTN] CTN seminar: Eric Shea-Brown, Tues Nov 30, 3:30, PAS 2464

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 23 11:25:51 EST 2010


Please join us for next Tuesday's CTN seminar by Dr. Eric Shea-Brown. 
Title and abstract follow below.

As before, I would like to invite you to submit a single slide, to go 
into a looping slideshow following the talk. Anything from a very 
specific issue you want ideas on, a recent result, or a general 
description of past or future work, is good. Students are especially 
encouraged to participate; for your slide to be included, please send me 
an image file (png, jpg, ...) on the day before the seminar (Monday the 
18th) at the latest.

An example slide is here:
http://www.vandermeerlab.org/MvdM_OctSeminarSlide.png. Feel free to
contact me with questions or suggestions.


- Matt

Tues. Nov. 30th - PAS 2464 at 3:30

Speaker: Eric Shea-Brown, Washington University

Title: Cooperative dynamics in simple neural circuits

Abstract: The brain's networks contain numerous mechanisms that could 
lead to synchronized -- or correlated -- dynamics among cells. Moreover, 
information-theoretic calculations tell us that precisely what pattern 
of correlations emerges can have major impact on the fidelity with which 
a network encodes incoming signals. We'll explore simplified circuit 
models in which the link between single-cell dynamics, coupling 
architecture, and correlation can be understood, and discuss the 
consequences for neural coding.

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