[CTN] Fwd: [Comp-neuro] 2011 Summer Program in Computational Neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 26 09:57:15 EST 2011

This looks like a terrific summer school for undegraduates, fully 
funded, and international students are eligible to apply!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Comp-neuro] 2011 Summer Program in Computational Neuroscience 
at the University of Pennsylvania
Date: 	Tue, 25 Jan 2011 17:13:58 -0500
From: 	Joshua Jacobs <jj494 at drexel.edu>
To: 	comp-neuro at neuroinf.org

Note: Application deadline is March 1, 2011!
2011 Summer Program in Computational Neuroscience at the University of

May 31 – July 29, 2011

Applications now available online at:


Applications are invited for an intensive summer program of hands-on
training to introduce undergraduate students to the principles and
techniques of computational neuroscience. The summer program will be
directed by Dr. Michael Kahana (University of Pennsylvania) and Joshua
Jacobs (Drexel University), in collaboration with over 25 Neuroscience
faculty from Penn and allied institutions.

An initial short course will introduce students to the basic methods of
using computational techniques to model and analyze neuronal activity.
After the course, students will carry out a research internship in a
Penn laboratory under faculty supervision. Lectures and chalk talks will
continue throughout the summer, and participants present their research
at a Symposium at the close of the program.

All undergraduates with an interest in Computational Neuroscience are
encouraged to apply. Students seeking an introduction to more
quantitative approaches and greater exposure to Neuroscience are
encouraged to apply, regardless of background. The goal of the program
is to foster training that integrates experimental and theoretical
approaches to understanding neural function.

Housing is available, if needed, on the Penn campus. A stipend will be
provided to all participants for living expenses, including housing.

Please see our website for program information, including application
instructions and a link to the application:


The application deadline is March 1, 2011; admission is on a rolling
basis. Earlier submissions are preferred.

Questions? Contact us at: compneurosci at psych.upenn.edu 
<mailto:compneurosci at psych.upenn.edu>
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