[CTN] CTN seminar: Prof. Stephen Scott, Dec 6th, PAS 2464, 3:30

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 29 10:46:19 EST 2011

Dear all,

Please join us for next Tuesday's CTN seminar (Dec 6th) by Prof. Stephen
Scott (Queen's University, Kingston). Title and abstract follow below.

Time and place are the usual, 3.30pm on Tuesday in PAS 2464.
I will make sure refreshments will in fact be provided this time!

If you would like to meet with Prof. Scott, and/or come to dinner
afterwards, please let me know.

Hope to see you all there!

- Matt

Prof. Stephen Scott
Centre for Neuroscience Studies
Dept. of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences & Dept. of Medicine
Queen's University

Title: Putting Sensory back into Motor Control

There have been many ways to interpret neural activity in primary motor
cortex with the last 25 years largely focussed on identifying neural
representations (i.e. muscles versus movements). The results highlight
myriad representations are present with little consensus on what this
means. Recent theories based on optimal control have been influential
for interpreting voluntary control and emphasize the importance of
online sensory feedback for guiding motor action. My talk will highlight
our recent studies highlight the sophistication of online control
including knowledge of limb mechanics, scaling to spatial target
location, and avoidance of obstacles in the environment. As well, I will
highlight how primary motor cortex provides a key role in this
sophisticated use of sensory feedback to guide motor action.

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