[CTN] Special CTN/Optometry-Vision Science seminar: May 7th, 3.30pm, PAS 2464

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Apr 30 17:57:54 EDT 2012

Dear all,

We are fortunate to have two eminent vision scientists, Oliver Braddick 
from Oxford and Jan Atkinson from University College London, visit us 
next week. They have graciously agreed to give a joint seminar: "What 
can vision tell us about brain development?"

This seminar will be jointly hosted by the School of Optometry and 
Vision Science and the Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience. Please note 
the date -- a Monday:

Monday May 7th, 3.30pm, PAS 2464

For more information on Profs. Braddick and Atkinson's work, see 

As usual refreshments will be provided. Hope to see you there!

- Matt

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