[CTN] Waterloo Brain Day - Next Wed April 4th!

Chris Eliasmith celiasmith at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 27 09:29:43 EDT 2012

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that our annual Brain Day public lectures
are taking place next Wed, April 4th.  We have a fantastic list of
speakers, and it looks like we're in for some great talks.

Please forward this to anyone who might be interested.

See you there!


Brain Day schedule (Wed April 4, 2012, in PAS 2083):

8:30 Refreshments

9:00 Welcome

9:15 Gyorgy Buzsaki (Rutgers)
Title: Oscillatory Organization of Cell Assembly Sequences

10:30 Refreshments Provided

10:45 Michael Hasselmo (Boston)
Title: Oscillations and Grid Cells in Entorhinal Cortex

12:00 Lunch (not provided)

1:30 Michael Tarr (CMU)
Title: Unraveling the Neural Architecture of Human Face Recognition

2:45 Refreshments Provided

3:00 Ian Gold (McGill)
Title: Knowing Other Minds

4:15 Reception (PAS 2464) - Cash Bar

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