[CTN] Allen brain atlas event: March 12, PAS 2464, registration required

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Sun Mar 3 14:02:25 EST 2013

Dear all,

Next week we have a special event coming up: Terri Gilbert from the
Allen Brain Institute (www.alleninstitute.org) will host a demonstration
and hands-on training of how to use the Allen Brain Atlas Data portal

If you aren't already aware, the Allen Brain atlases represent an
incredible effort that is transforming neuroscience research across
levels and approaches, experimental and theoretical.

Learn how to access this unprecedented store of information and the rich
set of associated tools for experiments, visualization, constraining of
model parameters, and many other purposes.

The introduction and demo session will be from 9.30-11.00, March 12 in
PAS 2464. The rest of the day is available for meetings with Terri (upon
request); this is a valuable opportunity to get input on how to make the
most of these tools for your group's specific questions.

IMPORTANT: advance registration is required. Email
info at alleninstitute.org and indicate “Waterloo Training Workshop” in the
subject line. Capacity is limited, and some indication of your interests
(developing/adult, mouse/human) is appreciated.

A flyer with details is attached.

Hope to see many of you there!

-- Matt
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