[CTN] 2013-2014 CTN seminar series -- request for speaker suggestions

Matthijs van der Meer mvdm at uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 8 21:38:47 EDT 2013

Dear all,

I hope you found the 2012-2013 CTN seminar series stimulating and
enjoyable. Circumstances conspired to create a skew towards the
experimental realm, which I'd be glad to correct for the upcoming
2013-2014 series starting in September.

If you have suggestions for specific speakers, particular topics or
subject areas, or seminar-related practicalities, I'd be very glad to
receive your thoughts.

Suggestions made in previous years that have not materialized yet are
still on my list. But feel free to provide updates or priority ratings!

Thank you for your continuing support.

Best wishes,


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