[CTN] Fwd: Seminar September 3

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 00:24:35 EDT 2015

----- Forwarded message from Sue Ann Campbell <sacampbe at uwaterloo.ca> -----

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 11:15:16 -0400
From: Sue Ann Campbell <sacampbe at uwaterloo.ca>
To: ctn at ctnsrv.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: seminar September 3
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)


Please see details below of an upcoming seminar which may be of
interest. If anyone is interested in joining us for lunch or meeting
with the speaker let me know.

Sue Ann

Applied Math/Mathematical Biology Seminar

Thursday, September 3, 2:30 p.m. MC 5417

Dr. Juan Luis Cabrera
Stochastic Dynamics Lab
Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research

Title: Unveiling the neural code of wandering animal searches

It is well established that animal movement follows Lévy patterns.
The underlying generating neuronal dynamics of such a behavior is
unknown. In this paper we show that a novel discovery of multifractality
in winnerless competition (WLC) systems reveals a potential encoding
mechanism that is translatable into two dimensional super-diffusive Lévy
movements. The validity of our approach is tested on a conductance based
neuronal model showing WLC and through the extraction of Lévy flights
inducing fractals from recordings of rat hippocampus during open field
foraging. Further insights are gained analyzing mice motor cortex neurons
and non-motor cells signals. The proposed mechanism provides a plausible
explanation for the neuro-dynamical fundamentals of spatial searching
patterns observed in animals (including humans) and illustrates an until
now unknown way to encode information in neuronal temporal series.


Dr. S.A. Campbell                   Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics   office: MC6046
University of Waterloo              email: sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Waterloo Ontario                    phone:(519)888-4567 x35461
N2L 3G1                             fax:(519)746-4319
Canada                              http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sacampbe

----- End forwarded message -----

Dr. S.A. Campbell                   Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics   office: MC6046
University of Waterloo              email: sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Waterloo Ontario                    phone:(519)888-4567 x35461
N2L 3G1                             fax:(519)746-4319
Canada                              http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sacampbe
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