[CTN] CTN Brain camp cool model demos

Chris Eliasmith celiasmith at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 16 10:19:16 EDT 2015

The CNRG lab is running a summer school (described below), and I wanted 
to invite everyone to come out.  Please pass the invite to anyone else 
you think might want to come as well.  Our public demo is this Fri from 
4-6 on campus (in Hagey Hall 373).

best, chris

International brain researchers exhibit brain-inspired technologies

WATERLOO, Ont. (Thursday, June 18, 2015) --The University of Waterloo is 
hosting a two-week workshop to teach researchers how to build 
sophsticated brain models. Tomorrow, participants from around the world 
will demonstrate the large-scale brain models they have built over the 
last two weeks, running on laptops, robots, and specialized brain-like 
computers while simulating neural functions.

The projects reproduces behaviours such as seeing, learning, spatial 
navigation, and high-level action planning, using new kinds of 
biologically inspired sensors (including an artificial retina, a leech 
robot, and artificial touch sensing skin) and brain-like computer 
processors. The workshop is focussed on using the Nengo brain simulator, 
developed by Professor Chris Eliasmith's lab in Waterloo's Centre for 
Theoretical Neuroscience, to build state-of-the-art cognitive and neural 
models. This software was recently used to build the world's largest 
functional brain model, Spaun, and provides users with a versatile and 
powerful environment for simulating cognitive and neural systems.
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