[CTN] Brain Day Speaker Line Up

britt at uwaterloo.ca britt at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 25 07:05:37 EDT 2015

The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience hopes to see you at this year's
Brain Day * April 8 2015 *.

Coffee will be available at 8:30 and the first speaker starts at 9:00 am
with all talks taking place in the EV3 building on the University of
Waterloo campus.

The speakers are:
Ken Miller - Columbia University
    The Stabilized Supralinear Network: A Simple Circuit Motif Underlying
    Cortical Multi-input Integration
Mriganka Sur - MIT
    The Functional Logic of Cortical Circuits
Tom Griffiths - UC Berkeley
    Revealing Human Inductive Biases by Simulating Cultural Evolution
Valerie Hardcastle - University of Cincinnati.
    Radical Embodied Cognition, Projection, and the Problem of Consciousness

For the full schedule with titles please see: https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-theoretical-neuroscience/events/april-2015-waterloo-brain-day

For a University of Waterloo map please try:

Please feel free to write me directly for any questions at
<britt at uwaterloo.ca>

Cheers, Britt Anderson

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