[CTN] CTN seminar: Zoran Tiganj, 3:30 March 21 PAS 2464

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon Mar 14 18:14:26 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Please join us for our next CTN seminar, next Monday (March 21) at 3:30 in
PAS 2464. The title and abstract follow. The speaker is Dr. Zoran Tiganj,
currently a post-doctoral researcher in the lab of Marc Howard (Boston
University), and a candidate for a post-doctoral position with Chris

As usual, please let me know if you would like to meet individually with
the speaker and/or come for dinner after the talk.


Title: Memory across scales: integrating computational models and
electrophysiological data

It is well known that, all things being equal, the accuracy of mammalian
memory is better for events that took place at more recent past than at
more distant past. I will present a biologically plausible computational
framework that can account for this gradual decay of memory over multiple
seconds. The framework relies on sequentially activated time cells that
constitute an internal timeline. Information about what happened when is
dynamically updated and always available in the brain. Having an internal
timeline makes various useful computations easily achievable. For instance,
if an animal knows its momentary speed, it can compute spatial distance
from landmarks and construct place cells. Also, from the internal timeline
it is straightforward to construct prediction of the future that is based
on the spatiotemporal structure of the input signals. I will discuss the
utility of these computations in the context of brain-inspired machine
learning and artificial intelligence. Finally, I will present single unit
data from electrophysiological recordings in rodents that support the
existence of a neural timeline.
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