[CTN] CTN seminar: Prof. Ning Jiang, 3:30 March 29, PAS 2464

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 21:17:33 EDT 2016

Hi everyone,

Please join us for our final CTN seminar of the year, next Tuesday (March
29) at 3:30 in PAS 2464. The title and abstract follow. The speaker is Dr.
Ning Jiang, who joined Systems Design about a year ago. Let me know if you
would like to meet individually with Prof. Jiang and/or join us for dinner
after the talk.


Non-invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) for motor function
rehabilitation: putting patients on the driver’s seat

Neurorehabilitation applications, such as those for motor function
rehabilitation of stroke, Parkinson etc, aims to induce neuroplasticity by
re-establish damaged sensory-motor control loop. In recently years, Brain
Computer Interfaces (BCIs) has been investigated as a promising tool for
these applications. This is because patients’ active volition can be
incorporated into the rehabilitation process through BCI, as compared to
conventional rehabilitation approach where patients are in a passive role.
In this talk, I will discuss a series of studies that systematically
addressed the following questions: 1) is it possible to detect the motor
intention, such as dorsiflexion (lifting up toe), in real time when using
non-invasive brain recordings, i.e. electroencephalogram (EEG); 2) Can a
system, consisting of such non-invasive detections of motor intent and
subsequently triggered peripheral stimulations, be used to induce cortical
plasticity in healthy subjects; 3) what are the critical factors and
parameters of such a system in inducing cortical plasticity; 4) how well
does the system work in a cohort of chronic stroke patients who suffer from
‘drop-foot’ and no longer respond to regular rehabilitation therapy. Our
preliminary results suggested that such a patient-centered rehabilitation
approach will dramatically increase the efficiency of the rehabilitation
program. Our ultimate goal is to develop a viable rehabilitation paradigm
that is fully driven by the patients, and can be used outside conventional
clinical environment.
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