[CTN] CTN seminar: Steve Prescott (University of Toronto) 3:30 January 23, PAS 2464

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 21:16:13 EST 2018

Hi everyone,

I forgot to mention that, as usual, grad students are invited to lunch with
the speaker. Please meet in Engineering 5 room 6004 at 12:20 if you are
interested, and contact Jan Gosmann if you have any questions (
jgosmann at uwaterloo.ca).


On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 3:50 PM, Bryan Tripp <bptripp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Just a reminder about the talk tomorrow.
> Bryan
> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 1:05 PM, Bryan Tripp <bptripp at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Please join us for the first CTN talk of 2018. Steve Prescott will join
>> us from the University of Toronto. The title and abstract follow. Hope to
>> see you there!
>> Bryan
>> Somatosensory coding gone wrong: The origins of neuropathic pain
>> Pain is the normal sensory response to noxious stimulation. But
>> pathological changes in neural coding can result in innocuous somatosensory
>> input being misperceived as painful. This so-called neuropathic pain is
>> notoriously difficult to treat and is, therefore, a significant clinical
>> problem. In my presentation, I will discuss our ongoing work to uncover the
>> cellular and circuit properties that control how somatosensory information
>> is normally processed, and how pathological changes in those properties
>> contribute to neuropathic pain. The identification that certain
>> pathological states are degenerate (i.e. can be produced via distinct
>> molecular changes) may help explain why neuropathic pain is so difficult to
>> treat.
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