[CTN] CTN Seminar: Doug Crawford, 3:30 Tuesday October 23, E5 2004

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 15:56:43 EDT 2018

Hi everyone,

Please join us for the talk tomorrow by Doug Crawford. The title and
abstract are below.


Spatial Updating During Smooth Pursuit: From Models to Neurons

Spatial updating is the computational problem that arises when remembered
visual information is stored relative to eye position, and then he eyes
move before that information can be retrieved. This has mainly been studied
in the context of rapid eye movements called saccades. Most recent models
and neurophysiological studies agree that the primary mechanism for
trans-saccade spatial updating involves the ‘remapping’ of stored visual
information within an eye-fixed frame. It is also known that humans and
primates can spatially update during slow eye movements, like smooth
pursuit of a moving visual target, but the mechanisms for updating
remembered locations during slow eye movements have largely been ignored.
Here, I will describe a state-space network model that is able to reproduce
spatial updating during both saccades and smooth pursuit. This model
predicts that, in contrast with the discrete remapping observed during
saccades, smooth pursuit should be accompanied by continuous updating,
corresponding to a ‘moving hill’ of neural activity for remembered
locations within the brain’s internal retinotopic maps. I will then
describe neurophysiological data collected in monkeys, confirming this
prediction in superior colliculus visual neurons. I will further show that
this mechanism depends on attention, and appears to augment visual
responses even when the visual stimulus is still visible. Thus, continuous
updating is a mechanism that complements discrete trans-saccadic updating
but accounts for the different computational requirements of pursuit, and
is likely used both for updating visual memory and augmenting spatial
attention during active vision.

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 11:15 PM Bryan Tripp <bptripp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Just a reminder about the seminar next week. Doug Crawford (York
> University) will be speaking. The title is, "Spatial Updating During Smooth
> Pursuit: From Models to Neurons".
> Please note we're in a different new room this time (E5 2004), with more
> windows than you can imagine.
> Bryan
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