[CTN] Distinguished Lecture - Dr. Lai- Sang Young - Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sue Ann Campbell sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 9 15:43:46 EDT 2019

Next week there will be an Applied Math Distinguished Lecture that may be of interest:

  Dynamical systems, statistical mechanics and the brain
  Lai-Sang Young (Courant Institute, NYU)
  Wednesday,  October 16 at 2:30pm 
  MC 5501

For more information, please see the attached poster or website


Sue Ann Campbell

Dr. S.A. Campbell                   Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics   office: MC6132
University of Waterloo              email: sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Waterloo Ontario                    phone:(519)888-4567 x35461
N2L 3G1                             fax:(519)746-4319
Canada                              http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~sacampbe
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