[CTN] CTN seminars

Bryan Tripp bptripp at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 14:30:27 EDT 2020

Hi everyone,

As you might expect by now, we will have to cancel these talks.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 5:08 PM Bryan Tripp <bptripp at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Just an update on the CTN talk schedule. We normally have the last two of
> the season in February and March. However, I was determined to get Andreas
> Burkhalter here, and he couldn't come until May, so we have a bit of gap
> and then another talk in May. The upcoming dates are:
> March 24 (3:30): David Spafford (University of Waterloo)
> May 12 (3:30): Andreas Burkhalter (Washington University St. Louis)
> Further details to follow.
> Regards,
> Bryan
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