[CTN] UWaterloo Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar Winter 2022 Speakers/Dates

Britt Anderson britt at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Dec 21 09:24:07 EST 2021

Please note for your calendars we have confirmed:

Feb 1 Mayank Mehta (UCLA) 

Feb 22 Richard Naud (U Ottawa) 

March 22 Karim Jerbi (UdeM)

for the UWloo CTN Winter seminars. More details on times, abstracts and
venues will follow closer to the events (we still hope for the
possibility that at least one or two may be live, but virtual remains
the more likely option).

Thanks to Bryan Tripp for his co-ordination.


Britt Anderson, PhD & MD
Director, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology
University of Waterloo, Canada

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