[CTN] Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience Seminars are Brain Day

Britt Anderson britt at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 23 15:45:48 EDT 2021

*The Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience (CTN) seminars will be
restarting shortly.*

Ko Kar (MIT) October 12 
Lyle Muller (UWO) Nov 9
Burkhalter, Andreas (WUSTL) November 30

The talks for this Fall will be on-line at 14:30. Abstracts and
details on the links for on-line viewing will follow soon. Please save
the dates. 

*Brain Day returns April 6, 2022*

We are planning for a traditional, live, in-person Brain Day with four
speakers representing the domains of philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, and
computation as they bear on theoretical questions in neuroscience. Stay
tuned for details on speakers and venues, and please mark the date.

/Britt Anderson

Director, Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
University of Waterloo

P.S. For those who are curious, Chris Eliasmith is on a leave of absence this
year and that led to me taking on the director functions for the Centre.  

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