[CTN] CTN Colloquium December 5 - Matt van der Meer

Sue Ann Campbell sacampbell at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 28 15:38:52 EST 2023

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that our final CTN colloquium of the term will be next Tuesday, December 5 starting at 3:30 p.m. in E5-2004.
The speaker is Matt van der Meer<https://pbs.dartmouth.edu/people/matthijs-van-der-meer> <https://pbs.dartmouth.edu/people/matthijs-van-der-meer>  from Dartmouth.

Title: Three lies, and a cognitive process model, about information processing in the rodent hippocampus

Abstract: I will present results from my lab that cast doubt on three commonly held ideas about the rodent hippocampus, and then propose a cognitive process model that assigns synergistic functions to each of the experimentally observed alternatives. First, contrary to the idea that hippocampal replay reflects recent experience and/or upcoming goals, we show “paradoxical replay” of non-chosen options. Second, contrary to the idea that remapping across different environments is random, we observe various kinds of structure across the encoding of different environments. Third, contrary to the idea that the hippocampus faithfully encodes ongoing experience, we synthesize evidence that it actually blends the past, present and future together into subjective belief states. We propose that paradoxical replay protects these subjective belief states from interference, and that representational similarity structure of these belief states underlies behavioral generalization.

Hope to see you there!


Sue Ann


Dr. Sue Ann Campbell (she/her)

Professor and University Research Chair

Department of Applied Mathematics

Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience<https://uwaterloo.ca/centre-for-theoretical-neuroscience/>

Associate Dean, Research

Faculty of Mathematics

University of Waterloo

Waterloo ON N2L 3G1


President, Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society<https://caims.ca/>

I acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional territory of the Chonnonton, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. The University of Waterloo main campus is located on the Haldimand tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River.

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