[CTN] Brain Day 2023 Videos Now On Line

Britt Anderson britt at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jan 5 15:52:15 EST 2024

Hello all,

I hope you are looking forward to Brain Day 2024 (some more details
below), but to whet your appetites here are the videos from last year:


Brain Day 2024 will be April 9th and details will be posted, when they are available, here:

Jeff Orchard has lined up a great slate of speakers:

Michael Anderson (Western): Philosophy
Katalin Gothard (Arizona): Neuroscience
Maithilee Kunda (Vanderbilt): Computation
Kalanit Grill-Spector (Stanford): Psychology

Cheers, Britt
Britt Anderson
Assoc Prof & Dir. Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
University of Waterloo CANADA

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