[CTN] Laurier's Hunsberger Neuroscience Lecture this April 5th

Britt Anderson britt at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Mar 23 10:46:24 EDT 2024

Many of us in the CTN and the Psychology Dept. may be interested in this
lecture that Nathan Insel from Laurier asked me to pass on.

The Laurier Psychology department's "Hunsberger Lecturer" this
year will be neuroscientist Gina Poe. Gina is one of the foremost
researchers studying how sleep supports cognitive/emotional processing,
particularly known for her work on REM sleep, theta oscillations,
norepinephrine, and plasticity. She was among the first to show how the
brain may use REM to do-away with unneeded memories, and has applied
these ideas to better understand PTSD and plasticity across sleep
stages. Perhaps even more importantly: Gina has held a number of
leadership roles within the neuroscience community and has consistently
leveraged these to make brain research more accessible to traditionally
underrepresented groups.

Friday, April 5, 2024
2:30pm to 4:00pm Lecture
N1001 (Science Building)
Reception to follow in N2005 (Science Building)

If you have further questions Nathan's email is in the cc line.

Regards, Britt

Britt Anderson
Assoc Prof & Dir. Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience
University of Waterloo CANADA

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