[Hopespringpcsg] HopeSpring's Prostate Cancer Support Group Evaluation Form

Michelle Licata Michelle.Licata at hopespring.ca
Wed Jul 6 18:17:25 EDT 2011

Hello HopeSpring Members!

Hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather!

HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre is asking for your input regarding the Prostate Cancer Canada Network, Waterloo Region, formerly called the Prostate Cancer Support Group!  We would love to hear any feedback, suggestions, ideas, and/or comments you have regarding the PCCN at HopeSpring.

I have attached the evaluation form, for your convenience.  If you would like to fill it out, please feel free to send it back to Lorraine at Hopespring.ca<mailto:Lorraine at Hopespring.ca> or Michelle at hopespring.ca<mailto:Michelle at hopespring.ca>.   We would love to hear from you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.

Kind Regards,

Michelle Licata
Program Assistant
Hopespring Cancer Support Centre
43 Allen Street West
Waterloo, ON. N2L 1C9

(519) 742-HOPE (4673)
Charitable #89894 3857 0001

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