[Hopespringpcsg] FW: June IBulletin

Lorraine Prus lorraine at hopespring.ca
Thu Jun 14 14:22:01 EDT 2012

Good afternoon,

Here is the June IBulletin from PCCN. Hope you find it informative.

Lorraine Prus
Director of Programs
HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre
16 Andrew Street, Suite 2
Kitchener, ON
N2H 5R2

519.742.HOPE (4673) ext.103
F: 519.742.7154

Charitable #89894 3857 0001

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From: Helene Vassos & Ada Keon [mailto:ada.keon=prostatecancer.ca at mail308.us3.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of Helene Vassos & Ada Keon
Sent: June-14-12 1:27 PM
To: Lorraine Prus
Subject: June IBulletin

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Dear PCCN Support Groups,
Attached you will find the June IBulletin <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=e1595ae6a5&e=c720e9f176> with updates about the Conference (please remember to send in your feedback for the Support Group Sharing Session!), the Father's Day Walk/Run (always looking for volunteers!), upcoming community events, and links to media coverage that our PCCN Members have been featured in! We also list all the latest stories on prostate cancer that have been published on the Internet for the month of June. Please enjoy and forward to your membership.


Helene Vassos
Managing Director, PCCN
helene.vassos at prostatecancernetwork.ca<mailto:helene.vassos at prostatecancernetwork.ca>
1-888-255-0333 x 264

Ada Keon
Coodinator, PCCN
ada.keon at prostatecancernetwork.ca<mailto:ada.keon at prostatecancernetwork.ca>
1-888-255-0333 x 248






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