[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Film a short interview about your life with advanced prostate cancer!

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Fri Jul 12 07:35:39 EDT 2013

Hi all:

See below.

If you wish to participate, contact Jackie as noted below.

Take care,



From: Jackie Manthorne [mailto:jmanthorne=survivornet.ca at createsend5.com] On Behalf Of Jackie Manthorne
Sent: July 12, 2013 7:00 AM
To: Glen Tolhurst
Subject: Film a short interview about your life with advanced prostate cancer!



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Opportunity to film a short interview about your life with advanced prostate cancer!

This summer CCSN is working on a program to generate awareness about metastatic prostate cancer and the unique challenges patients face. To bring this campaign to life, CCSN is looking for men living with metastatic prostate cancer who are willing to share their personal experiences in a video and also potentially with the media later in the summer and into the fall. Please find the details below for your consideration!

WHAT: Film a short interview about your life with advanced prostate cancer.

WHERE: Your home! We want to make this as simple as possible, so we’ll come to you with a video crew. We may also want to film outdoors near your home.

WHEN: We plan to film patients at the end of July or beginning of August.

WHO: Yourself and possibly a loved one.

TIME COMMITMENT: We should only need three hours of your time.

If you or someone you know is willing to participate or interested in learning more about this opportunity we’d love to hear from you by Friday, July 19.

Please email Jackie at jmanthorne at survivornet.ca to participate.






Canadian Cancer Survivior Network
1750 Courtwood Crescent, Suite 210 (NOTE NEW SUITE #)
Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5
Telephone: 613-898-1871
Email: info at survivornet.ca
Website: www.survivornet.ca
Blog: http://jackiemanthornescancerblog.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @survivornet.ca
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CanadianSurvivorNet


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