[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Father's Day, New Research and More!

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Fri Jun 14 13:37:43 EDT 2013

Hi all:

FYI -see below.

Take care,



From: Prostate Cancer Canada [mailto:pccmail=prostatecancer.ca at mail128.us4.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of Prostate Cancer Canada
Sent: June 14, 2013 1:19 PM
To: Glen Tolhurst
Subject: Father's Day, New Research and More!


June 2013: Get the latest news from Prostate Cancer Canada! 

 <http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=9fdb3da8c6&e=103e67d6c8> View this email in your browser 



We like to think of June as “our” month. Not only do we celebrate all the wonderful guys in our life on Father’s Day, we’ve got an exciting $5 million grant announcement and some brand-new resources launching. So if you know a guy, love a guy, or are a guy, please read, share and get involved! 




$5M Movember Team Grant Announcement

 <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=ae23b5202d&e=103e67d6c8>  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=ae23b5202d&e=103e67d6c8>  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=ae23b5202d&e=103e67d6c8> The 2013  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=3884f77a9c&e=103e67d6c8> Movember Team Grant of $5 million has been awarded to Dr. Ralph Buttyan of the Vancouver Prostate Centre and University of British Columbia (Principal Investigator), who leads a team of 22 Co-Investigators from a variety of locations from coast to coast, including:

o    Memorial University of Newfoundland
o    Dalhousie University
o    Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
o    Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
o    Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institution
o    Toronto General Hospital
o    BC Cancer Agency

The title of their research is Tumour Cell Plasticity in Treatment-Resistant Prostate Cancer and their study will focus on targeting aggressive and lethal cancer.

The Team Grant program promotes collaboration between not only researchers but also institutions, providing a united approach to prostate cancer research. 

The program brings together Canadian experts to pool their expertise and focus on a specific topic, while also providing a training environment for investigators just starting their research careers, such as fellows, graduate and undergraduate students and others from a multidisciplinary environment. 

Rocco Rossi (L), President & CEO of Prostate Cancer Canada presents $5 million to Dr. Ralph Buttyan (R)

Watch and learn more:

 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSjXPH1R-QM&feature=youtube_gdata_player> Watch the Video




2013 Prostate Cancer Statistics

  <http://gallery.mailchimp.com/381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1/images/2013_PC_StatsC1a7f78.jpg>  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=0a3e7fdb19&e=103e67d6c8> Prostate cancer statistics for 2013 were released in May. Some of the notable trends this year include the following:

*	In 2013, it is estimated that 23,600 Canadian men will be diagnosed with the disease and 3,900 will die of prostate cancer.
*	The death rate has been declining significantly by almost 4% per year between 2001 and 2009. This is likely due to improved testing of prostate cancer and better treatment options.
*	Prostate cancer represents an estimated 25% of all new cancer cases diagnosed in Canadian men.

 <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=7889a7cdbe&e=103e67d6c8> To  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=78a58722ae&e=103e67d6c8> learn more, check out our infographic. 



Join us this Sunday for the
Father`s Day Walk/Run


  <http://gallery.mailchimp.com/381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1/images/FDWR3ca6a6.jpg> There are only 2 days to event day and there's still time to  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=c96aa04279&e=103e67d6c8> register for the Father’s Day Walk/Run! Together, let’s give one last big effort to help the 1 in 7 Canadian men diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Join us for this fun, family event! What can you expect? Entertainment, prizes, food and more!

We've even got some tips on how you can  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=23abc54c82&e=103e67d6c8> make this the best Father's Day Walk/Run yet! 

New Healthy Living Contributor


Just in time for Father’s Day, we are pleased to announce our new Healthy Living contributor,  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=4868d78bd7&e=103e67d6c8> Dai Manuel!

Dai humbly describes himself as “just a guy trying to inspire, motivate and educate others to live healthier, more active lifestyles.” but don’t let this fool you – he is a fierce CrossFit competitor, a member of Toast Masters, and COO of Fitness Town – so he is both fit and eloquent.

One of his pet projects is YVR Dads, a support group for guys learning to be the best fathers they can be though open communication and sharing.  <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=a0346241f7&e=103e67d6c8> Check out Dai’s posts as he shares his active and supportive outlook. 



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 <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=5ce58ddaec&e=103e67d6c8> Healthier, Heartier Pancakes
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Connect with us: 



 <http://prostatecancer.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1&id=4ffecefc42&e=103e67d6c8> Facebook 



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Prostate Cancer Canada
2 Lombard St.
Toronto, ON
M5C 1M1
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