[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Canadian Cancer Survivor Network Advocacy Webinar 1

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Mon Mar 25 11:11:20 EDT 2013

Hi all:

See below for a webinar in which you might wish to participate.

Registration details below.

Take care,

Glen Tolhurst

Chair – PCCN Waterloo-Wellington


From: Jackie Manthorne [mailto:jmanthorne=survivornet.ca at cmail5.com] On Behalf Of Jackie Manthorne
Sent: March 25, 2013 10:31 AM
To: glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Subject: Canadian Cancer Survivor Network Advocacy Webinar 1



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CCSN’s Advocacy Webinar series starts March 27th!




Want to make a difference to cancer care in Canada? We’ll show you how!

Hosted by Ryan Clark of Advocacy Solutions, CCSN is putting on the first of a series of free webinars starting March 27 at 4pm PST/7pm EST.  To participate you will need to register by first sending an email to tglover at survivornet.ca.  CCSN will then email you the link for participating in the webinar and login instructions.

In this first webinar we will be discussing how the healthcare system in Canada is structured and answering the question: who does what? Some outcomes you can expect to take from this webinar will be:

*	An overview of the basic roles and responsibilities of federal and provincial governments within our health care system
*	An understanding of the differences between engaging politicians and bureaucrats when  advocating within the health care system. Each has important and different roles to play

Bring your questions and join us for what will be an interesting and motivating webinar. 

If you have questions and to register, please email:
Tiffany Glover at tglover at survivornet.ca
Mark your calendars for our upcoming webinars:

*	April 17 – The labyrinth of the drug approval processes in Canada; what you should know
*	May 22 – Advocacy overview: Shaping the Healthcare agenda and can we really participate
*	June 12 –Social Media to influence decision-makers, how to get attention among all the noise






Canadian Cancer Survivior Network
1750 Courtwood Crescent, Suite 111
Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5

Telephone: 613-898-1871
Email: info at survivornet.ca
Website: www.survivornet.ca
Blog: http://jackiemanthornescancerblog.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @survivornet.ca
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CanadianSurvivorNet


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