Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Sat Nov 16 21:00:26 EST 2013

Hi all:

As part of our effort to spread the word about Prostate Cancer Awareness,
Education, and Support offered by Prostate Cancer Canada Network
Waterloo-Wellington, we want to attend local events where we can set up an
information table. The 1st weekend of Nov we partnered with the Chrome
Divas, a lady motorcycle group which supports Prostate Cancer, at the
Ontario Speed Skating Trials at the Hespeler arena. We handed out
information, discussed PCa, sold pins, car magnets, and the Divas 2014
calendar on 2 & 3 Nov 13.

We need to learn about fall and winter fairs, sportsmen shows, motorcycle,
snow machine, RV, health /wellness shows, CARP shows, or similar events
where we could be visible in the community.

If you are members of groups holding such events, or know of events in the
community, please let us know.


Take care,




Glen N. Tolhurst  P.Eng. MBA

Chair PCCN Waterloo- Wellington

web site: http://pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca/ 

e-mail: info at pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca 

answering service 226-240-9264

Direct contact via:

Tel (519) 826-0716 

Cell (905) 302-4536

e-mail: Glen46Nor at gmail.com




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