[Hopespringpcsg] FW: PCCN Webinar 3 RN Nurse Nelly Kaye

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 13:34:58 EDT 2013

Hi all:

See below wrt PCCN webinar.

Note the time is 7 pm PST which is 10 pm here.

Take care,



From: Dale Erikson [mailto:deerikson at shaw.ca] 
Sent: October 29, 2013 10:46 AM
To: Dale Erikson
Subject: PCCN Webinar 3 RN Nurse Nelly Kaye


I am very happy to announce that our speaker for our third  webinar will be
Ms. Nelly Kaye, RN. She is a Registered Nurse who runs the Continence and
outpatient bladder Clinic at Abbottsford hospital. She will speak about
Pelvic floor rehabilitation to reduce or eliminate incontinence. This is our
third presentation with web conferencing which includes an opportunity to
hear the presenter live and ask questions.  


Please register for RN Nelly Kaye on Nov 7, 2013 7:00 PM PST at: 




If you are having issues registering or attending the meeting, please call
the support line at 1 866 998 6710


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the webinar. Please register early as we are
limited to 100 attendees.


If you are aware of a good speaker that would be interested in participating
in a future Web Conference presentation, please send the contact information
to Dale. If possible, arrangements will be made for a future month. The time
does not have to be 7:00 PM PDT and the date does not have to be the first
Thursday of the month, and can be changed to a date suitable for the
speaker.  The session can then be recorded and shown at your meeting, if so


Brought to you by GoToWebinarR

Webinars Made EasyR


Dale Erikson

Chairman, PCCN Chilliwack

5725 Monte Sina Place

Chilliwack, BC

V2R 3E1


Cell: 604-819-5775

deerikson at shaw.ca



If you forward this, PLEASE remove all email addresses before you send it
on, and PLEASE use the BCC option when forwarding to several people at once.
Thank you. 


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