[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Join Us for RN Andrea Simone: ED and Penile Rehabilitation after PCa

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 20:42:45 EST 2014

Hi all:

See below for a PCC web based conference.

If you wish to  participate, see the link in the note.

Take care, 




Subject: Join Us for RN Andrea Simone: ED and Penile Rehabilitation after PCa




I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas and the best for a Happy and HEALTHY 2014! 


I would like to apologize for not having a web conference in December and January, but it seems difficult to get speakers over the Christmas season.  Now we will be offering presentations 2 days in a row.  But they are both excellent speakers, so hopefully you can attend both sessions. Information on the second speaker, Dr. George Vrabec, will follow shortly. 


Please Join Us for RN Andrea Simone: ED and Penile Rehabilitation after PCa


This will be our fourth presentation with web conferencing which includes an opportunity to hear the presenters live and ask questions. The presentation will start at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM EST), register early and you will then be sure that that your computer is set up for the program and also to insure a seat at the presentation. At the time of the presentation please join 10 minutes early.  Thank you and enjoy.


On February 5 2014 we will be offering the web conference presentation that is available to anyone that is interested, but it is limited to the first 100 registrants so please register early.  It is our hope that as many groups as possible will watch it together.  However, if smaller groups watch it and want to ask questions of the speaker and then watch the recording at their meeting later that is fine too.  A link to the recording will be sent to all attendees after the session. 


We are very fortunate to have a speaker of this caliber donating her time and knowledge to us and it promises to be a very interesting presentation on a topic of concern to many aging and PCa survivors.  


Please register for RN Andrea Simone: ED and Penile Rehabilitation after PCa on Feb 5, 2014 5:00 PM EST at: 

 <https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/712767564401645569> https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/712767564401645569

The speaker will be Andrea Simone, RN, BSN, CURN. From the Vattikuti Urology Institute at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit.. She will speak about ED and the history of penile rehabilitation following PCa treatment and products that are utilized. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Brought to you by GoToWebinar®
Webinars Made Easy®

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