Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 09:07:19 EDT 2014

Hi all:

The next Prostate Support Group meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 25 Mar 14 @
1900 hrs at Hopespring.

At the meeting we will be looking for volunteers to help staff a table at
the Kitchener RV Show 4, 5 & 6 April 14. 

The show is at the Kitchener Aud.

We are looking for people to take a 5 hour shift on Friday or Saturday, or a
3 hour shift on Sunday.

This is a major opportunity for PCCN W-W to get the word about PCa out into
the community.

Your support of the chapter is requested.

Please step forward to volunteer.

Any questions, plse contact me as shown below.






Glen N. Tolhurst  P.Eng. MBA

Chair PCCN Waterloo- Wellington

web site: http://pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca/ 

e-mail: info at pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca 

answering service 226-240-9264

Direct contact via:

Tel (519) 826-0716 

Cell (905) 302-4536

e-mail: Glen46Nor at gmail.com


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