[Hopespringpcsg] FW: PCCN Oakville/Mississauga Meeting

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Sun Nov 30 16:13:35 EST 2014

Hi all:

See below for a notice of a meeting with a speaker for the PCCN Oakville/
Mississauga chapter.

Google Wellspring for location.

Take care,



From: Walter Eadie [mailto:walter.eadie at cogeco.ca] 
Sent: November 30, 2014 3:14 PM
To: Jim Dorsey; 'Glen Tolhurst'
Subject: FW: PCCN Oakville/Mississauga Meeting


Just FYI


Next Meeting: December 17th - Radiation Therapy for Prostate Cancer, Dr.
Sarah Rauth, Credit Valley Hospital.


There are so many different ways in which radiation plays a role in the
treatment of prostate cancer:  as a primary treatment (e.g. external beam
radiation or brachytherapy); as a 'salvage' treatment (e.g. when PSA rises
after surgery); as 'focal therapy' (e.g. treating early bone metastases);
not to mention all the acronyms and trade names ready to confuse us - IMRT,
EBRT, HDR, SRT, Cyberknife, etc.


Our December meeting is a great opportunity for us to learn how radiation is
best used, what's new and, best of all, to ask questions of an expert in the

Dr. Rauth is Attending Radiation Oncologist at Credit Valley and in 2014 was
awarded the first ever 'Excellence in Medical Teaching Award' in Oncology at
Trillium Health Partners.

So we are looking forward to a good discussion with a great teacher. Please
join us - no registration, no cost, just drop in at Wellspring for 7 pm.


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