[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Advanced Prostate Cancer Therapies That Can Change the Course of Treatment
Glen Tolhurst
glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 6 16:17:57 EST 2015
Hi all:
See below for what may be a relevant publication.
Take care,
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Advanced Prostate Cancer Therapies
That Can Change the Course of Treatment
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Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments:
Know Your Options When Your Cancer Comes Back
Learn about the latest drugs and therapies for controlling the spread of prostate cancer, managing your prostate cancer symptoms and improving your quality of life.
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Did you know that the landscape for treating advanced prostate cancer has changed dramatically?
In just the past year there has been a paradigm shift in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, due in part to results from the 2014 CHAARTED (ChemoHormonal Therapy versus Androgen Ablation Randomized Trial for Extensive Disease in Prostate Cancer) study. CHAARTED reported that the addition of docetaxel (Taxotare) at the beginning of hormonal therapy improved survival significantly in men with advanced prostate cancer -- a survival benefit of 49.2 months compared to the 32.2-month benefit from men who only were given androgen suppression therapy.
This exciting discovery offers great reason for hope for men who have advanced disease.
Now you can read about CHAARTED and other groundbreaking therapies in Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments: Know Your Options When Your Cancer Comes Back written by a team of top prostate cancer specialists, including Dr. Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, Dr. H. Ballentine Carter, Dr. Theodore L. DeWeese and Dr. Danny Song.
The Challenge When Prostate Cancer Recurs
The work to find a cure for prostate cancer is worldwide and ongoing. And the good news is that death rates for prostate cancer have been steadily declining, thanks to early detection and improved therapies.
Still, too many men are told every day that their cancer has recurred and that they now have advanced prostate cancer.
Receiving the news that prostate cancer has returned, often after years of undetectable or steady PSA results, is shocking and bewildering to most men. When prostate cancer recurs, it immediately raises numerous concerns and important questions. Is life all downhill from here? How will the cancer impact my future? What is the best therapy? How do I make the final treatment choice? Should I consider joining a clinical trial? How can I regain control of my life?
If you're in this group, you and your doctor must decide together on the best course of treatment.
To help you make the difficult treatment decisions that lie ahead, you can now turn to Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments: Know Your Options When Your Cancer Comes Back. The contributors to this Special Health Report highlight the key issues you will be facing -- and what to consider at each step of the way.
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In Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments, lead author Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D., reviews the therapies currently being used to stop the advance of prostate cancer, and gives you the latest news on the most promising new drugs and treatments.
Dr. Antonarakis is ideally positioned to bring you the latest information about research in the fight against prostate cancer. An Assistant Professor of Oncology at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Antonarakis focuses on testing investigational drugs in the treatment of prostate cancer, as well as new biomarkers for advanced prostate cancer. His new blood-based biomarker called androgen-receptor splice variant-7 (AR-V7) has caused great excitement in the field -- and is discussed in depth in Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments.
Designing a Personal Plan of Attack for Each Patient
As we have come to better understand the biologic and molecular mechanisms that fuel prostate cancer growth, new-targeted therapies have recently been approved for use. Taxotere, approved by the FDA in 2004, was for a time the only therapy available for improving survival in patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer-that is, cancer that is no longer responding to hormone therapy. But in 2012 the FDA approved enzalutamide (Xtandi) and in 2013, Xofigo. Add this to four other drugs - Provenge, Jevtana, Zytiga and recently Xgeva (a monoclonal antibody is designed to help prevent excessive breakdown of bone) -- and for the first time we have multiple treatment options to delay cancer progression.
We also have more than 30 new drugs that are in early Phase I and II clinical trials, with eight drugs that have made it to final Phase III trials.
With several drugs to choose from for the treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer after chemotherapy has failed, how do doctor and patient decide which drugs to use and in which order?
This is the key question doctors are currently grappling with in the advanced prostate cancer field. If doctors can come up with a predictive biomarker (the new term is 'treatment-selection biomarker'), we will have a marker that helps determine what treatment the patient should--or should not--receive next.
In Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments you'll read that Dr. Antonarkakis and colleagues have discovered just such a biomarker called androgen-receptor splice variant-7 (AR-V7), which could help predict resistance to enzalutamide and also to abiraterone (Zytiga), the other new drug for advanced prostate cancer that targets testosterone production from the adrenal glands.
You'll also learn about two promising new drugs in the pipeline:
* Galeterone -- This drug is a highly selective, multi-targeted, oral therapy for the treatment of advanced cancer that works to disrupt androgen receptor signaling, which is the key driver of prostate cancer growth.
* EPI-506 -- EPI-506 targets the N-terminal, the part that is thought to be critical for the androgen receptor to function. Thus far lab results have been impressive and human trials are expected to begin in mid 2015.
You'll quickly find that Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments is your direct line to the most current, reliable information on prostate cancer treatment options - so you can make the best-informed decisions possible about your future. This is vital, life-changing information you won't find in any other single source.
Treatments to Control the Cancer, Reduce Symptoms
Improve Quality of Life
Ultimately, your decision about your prostate cancer treatment has to be guided by the clinical stage of your cancer, the extent of the disease, your age and overall health. In Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments, you'll learn the answers to key questions such as:
* Why is repeated PSA testing so crucial?
* What if I have bone metastasis?
* When should I consider hormone therapy to treat my recurrent prostate cancer?
* What are the side effects of hormone therapy?
* What studies are available on the success of hormone therapy?
* What about radiation therapy to treat my prostate cancer?
* When should I consider chemotherapy?
* What new chemotherapy drugs are now available to help treat prostate cancer?
* What other studies are currently being pursued at Johns Hopkins on chemotherapy?
* Where can I go for more help, support and information as I sift through my prostate cancer treatment options?
If you're reading this letter now, you or a loved one probably has advanced prostate cancer. You want to know: What is hormone therapy, how does it work and why does it sometimes fail to slow the progress of prostate cancer?
The answers to these and other questions are supplied by Dr. Antonarakis, an expert in the clinical management of patients with advanced prostate cancer. You'll learn:
* The difference between surgical and medical castration to eliminate male sex hormones -- and why it's important
* The role of LHRH agonists
* Why doctors sometimes use antiandrogens
* When hormonal therapy should be started
* The side effects of hormonal therapy
* What can be done to maintain sexual function while on hormonal therapy
* How to live with hot flashes, insulin resistance, breast enlargement, weight gain and other side effects
In Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments, Dr. Antonarakis answers dozens of specific questions about castration-resistant prostate cancer, the same questions that may be on your mind as you tackle this complex disease:
* Can you predict who's going to develop castration-resistant cancer?
* What do you mean when you say that prostate cancer is heterogeneous?
* How long do you expect LHRH therapy or orchiectomy to keep prostate cancer at bay?
* What second-line antiandrogen therapies are available?
* Is doing nothing an option if your PSA is rising?
* How does chemotherapy fight prostate cancer?
* Which do you recommend and why: Taxotere or Jevtana?
* Why is prednisone used with Taxotere?
* When is the best time to begin Taxotere therapy?
* How do you know that Taxotere is working?
* When do you recommend Provenge for castration-resistant patients?
* How is Provenge made?
* Since Provenge doesn't lower PSA levels, how do you know it's working?
* What are the benefits of Zytiga for men with castration-resistant prostate cancer?
* What is a comprehensive cancer center?
New Therapies That Can Change the Course of Treatment
In the chapter Radiation Therapy Following Prostate Cancer Surgery by Dr. H. Ballentine Carter, you will learn:
* The clinical definition of PSA failure after radical prostatectomy
* Your options if you have a clinical relapse
* What is definition of salvage radiation therapy
* The three potential scenarios in which radiotherapy may be beneficial
* Why a selective approach to giving radiotherapy may be best
* The four factors which are the best indicators of success for radiation therapy due to their suggesting local-only prostate cancer recurrence
* Other key factors which help predict PSA remission
* Guidelines for salvage radiation therapy to be initiated
You will also read about Treating Prostate Cancer After Brachytherapy Failure, by Theodore L. DeWeese, M.D., Professor of Radiation Oncology and Urology and Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences at Johns Hopkins.
Dr. DeWeese and his colleague, Danny Song, M.D., guide you through your questions as to how brachytherapy is supposed to work, why it is possible that it may have failed, and what your options are if that proves to be the case. When should hormone therapy be initiated? Are you still a candidate for a radical prostatectomy? What if the cancer has spread to the bone (metastasized)? How can a TURP (transurethral resection of the prostate) for BPH (enlarged prostate) affect the outcome of brachytherapy?
There's more to Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments, much more. Key chapters in this 102-page Special Health Report include:
* When Prostate Cancer Recurs by H. Ballentine Carter, M.D.
* Hormonal Therapy for Advanced Prostate Cancer by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D.
* Treating Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D.
* Radiation Therapy Following Prostate Cancer Surgery by H. Ballentine Carter, M.D.
* Treating Prostate Cancer After Brachytherapy Failure by Theodore L. DeWeese, M.D., and Danny Song, M.D.
* New Therapies That May Change the Course of Treatment by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D.
* How to Best Preserve Skeletal Health by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D.
* Treating the Pain of Advanced Prostate Cancer by Emmanuel S. Antonarakis, M.D.
* The Anatomy of Hope by Jerome Groopman, M.D. In The Anatomy of Hope, Dr. Groopman offers his own experiences of coping with debilitating pain for nearly two decades, and how hope differs from optimism. He outlines how hope can be an essential part of treating advanced prostate cancer successfully.
* In On End-of-Life Decisions by Virginia Morris. On End-of-Life Decisions, award-winning journalist Virginia Morris takes us through her father's eventual passing from prostate cancer, and offers invaluable guidelines on how to deal with end of life decisions even as you deal with your advanced prostate cancer treatment decisions, in order to ensure that all your personal as well as medical wishes are carried out appropriately.
Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatments also includes a 10-page glossary to help you understand the technical terms used in the Special Health Report.
About Scientific American -- Experts in Science, Technology and Health
Science is at the forefront of advances in the understanding and treatment of prostate disorders and other serious diseases. At Scientific American we are uniquely qualified to identify emerging trends in the field of medical research and communicate these findings to you. Our broad international reach enables us to deliver to our readers scientific developments in medical research as they happen and to explain how these advances will impact the health and condition management of our readership.
You can count on Scientific American Special Health Reports to bring you medical information that is trustworthy, impeccably researched and current.
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