[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Just 3 days left to make your 2015 Tax Back Charitable Donation!
Glen Tolhurst
glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Tue Dec 29 11:04:48 EST 2015
Hi all:
See note below from HopeSpring.
Donate if you wish.
Take care,
From: HopeSpring [mailto:hopespring=hopespring.ca at mail99.suw15.mcsv.net] On Behalf Of HopeSpring
Sent: December 29, 2015 9:00 AM
Have you made your tax-deductible charitable donation this year?
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Dear Glen,
As the endo f the year closes in, time is running out on tax deductible donations. About 25% of Canadians take advantage of the sizeable benefits Canadian Federal and Provincial governments offer to Canadians who give to registered Canadian charities.
<http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b1cceebc92&e=e5f40710e3> <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b1cceebc92&e=e5f40710e3> <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b1cceebc92&e=e5f40710e3> These incentives are significant, amounting to as much as 53% of your donation. For many Canadians, it's by leveraging these tax benefits that they can give more generously to charities. It makes them feel good and with their larger gift, it enables the charities they support do more.
At HopeSping, we help people whose lives are touched by cancer. Thousands of people – cancer patients, their families and friends, and caregivers – have benefitted from our special programs and services, which are designed to help lessen the burden of caner.
We all know someone who has been touched by cancer. Please consider keeping us in mind when you make your <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=26059a2532&e=e5f40710e3> end of year donation. Remember: all gifts received before December 31st will be eligible for a 2015 tax receipt
All of our programs and services are offered FREE OF CHARGE, and we receive NO GOVERNMENT FUNDING. We are 100% reliant on donations from the community.
Thank you for your support!
Yours sincerely,
Gerard Seguin
Executive Director
HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre
16 Andrew Street, Suite 2
Kitchener, Ontario
N2H 5R2
519-742-1544, x 101 [direct]
519-742-HOPE (4673) [main]
1-800-848-9446 [fax]
<mailto:gerard at hopespring.ca> gerard at hopespring.ca
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CRA # 89894 3857 0001
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Our mailing address is:
HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre
16 Andrew St.
Unit 2
Kitchener, ON N2H 5R2
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