[Hopespringpcsg] MOVEMBER 2016

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 15:43:54 EDT 2016


Hi all:

Once again it is Movember.

For the last four or so years,  I have captained the Prostate Cancer Canada
Network Waterloo- Wellington team for Movember.

I feel that Movember has lost its direction & is trying to be too many
things instead of focusing on Prostate Cancer.

Thus, I will no longer be setting up a Movember team.

If you wish to contribute to Movember, please find a local team.

Alternately to directly help a prostate cancer support group, consider
sending a cheque for the amount you would have donated to Movember to:  

Prostate Cancer Canada Network Waterloo-Wellington

c/o Hopespring Cancer Support Centre 

16 Andrew Street, Suite 2

Kitchener ON N2H 5R2


Since PCCN W-W is a non-profit corporation, rather than a federally
registered charity, a tax receipt will not be issued for donations.

However, any funds will be used for local support of those diagnosed with
prostate cancer, which is not the case with Movember funds raised.



Thank you,




Glen N. Tolhurst  P.Eng. MBA

Chair PCCN Waterloo- Wellington

web site:  <http://pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca/>

e-mail:  <mailto:info at pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca>
info at pccn-waterloo-wellington.ca 

answering service 226-240-9264

Direct contact via:

Tel (519) 826-0716 

Cell (519) 994-4536

e-mail:  <mailto:Glen46Nor at gmail.com> Glen46Nor at gmail.com


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