[Hopespringpcsg] FW: On-line survey about quality of life and prostate cancer

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Wed Nov 23 09:22:33 EST 2016

Hi all:

See below for a link to a QOL & PCa survey.

Participate if you wish.




From: Anne Breakey Hart [mailto:anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca] 
Sent: November 21, 2016 11:00 AM
To: anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca
Subject: On-line survey about quality of life and prostate cancer


Hello again,



Hello again to all group leaders,


We have been asked to distribute the link to this on-line survey from Queens
University and the Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston, Ontario. This work is
being led by Drs. Dean Tripp, Robert Siemens, and Jason Izard.

If appropriate please distribute to your group members. Always your opinion
is important to those seeking to help understand the patient experience


Purpose of this survey: 

This brief online survey will help clinicians understand how biopsychosocial
risk factors affect patient quality of life in men with Prostate Cancer. In
particular, this survey examines factors

such as the staging of the patients’ cancer, their treatments, feelings of
hopelessness, depressive symptoms, interpersonal needs, psychache, fear
about death, cognitive awareness,

and thoughts and behaviours associated with self-injury or death.


Length: Should take about 15-30 minutes to complete


Call or email Phylicia if you have questions etc at:

613-533-6000 ext. 75459 or painlab at queensu.ca


Here’s the link:



Please note that this is not a Prostate Cancer Canada survey.  In this
regard PCC is not responsible for any information you may provide to the
study including your contact info.



Thanks very much,




Anne Breakey Hart, CVA
Manager, PCCN and Volunteer Engagement | Prostate Cancer Canada

Gestionnaire, Mobilisation des bénévoles | Cancer de la Prostate Canada

T 416-441-2131 ext./poste 229 | E anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca



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 <http://www.facebook.com/prostatecancercanada> facebook
<http://www.twitter.com/prostatecancerc> twitter  Youtube


We invite you to support our largest donor and partner in men’s health,
Movember Canada. GROW, MOVE and HOST at  <http://ca.movember.com/>
Movember.com today!

Nous vous invitons à appuyer notre plus important donateur et partenaire en
santé masculine, Movember Canada. Laissez-vous pousser la MOUSTACHE, relevez
le défi MOVE et ORGANISEZ un événement à  <http://ca.movember.com/fr/>







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