[Hopespringpcsg] FW: HopeSpring Weekly Newsletter for July 4

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 11:47:01 EDT 2017

Hi all:

See the HopeSpring e-newsletter below.

Take are,



From: HopeSpring [mailto:office=hopespring.ca at mail157.suw14.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of HopeSpring
Sent: July 4, 2017 8:31 AM
To: Glen
Subject: HopeSpring Weekly Newsletter for July 4


Your weekly update of HopeSpring FREE workshops & special events 

 <http://mailchi.mp/hopespring/hopespring-weekly-newsletter-for-april-982733?e=ece80c31c3> View this email in your browser 



Hello Glen

Here's your weekly reminder of upcoming workshops, programs & special events at HopeSpring. 






Thank you to those who have supported our Great Canadian Giving Challenge campaign. Thanks to you and yours, we raised $865, giving us 865 chances to win $10,000. Thank you for coming through for everyone facing cancer in our Region. You made a difference!





Can you help?

Thank you to those who were so generous with previous requests. We still need: 

*	Saran wrap
*	5x5 cm square gauze pads (for our first aid kit)
*	Stamps (just regular Canadian ones)

If you can help, please feel free to bring it to our front desk volunteer. If you have any questions, please call Linda at 519-742-1544 ext 103. 





Art Expression

No experience necessary

This expressive arts group program provides a community for cancer patients to meet with one another and share in a creative artistic experience. In a safe and confidential setting, members will be instructed in the use of painting and forms of art to create their own pieces. Under the guidance of an Art Therapist, the use of imagery, colours and textures are used to help members identify and explore feelings and gain insights into their experience with cancer. No previous art experience is required.

Thursday, Jul 13, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=7d8f1b445f&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Healing Journey: Coping with Stress

Last call - starts July 5

The Healing Journey is a comprehensive 2-level coping skills program that provides emotional support, coping strategies and opportunities to network with others. Delivered by experienced professionals, the Healing Journey is a wide-ranging program that includes both small-and-large-group formats, opportunities for discussion and cancer and its impact, demonstration and practice of proving coping strategies and discussion of the spiritual dimensions of cancer.

This is a four week program. Commitment to attend all four sessions is required. The Healing Journey One is a good starter program for new members. Let us help you in your healing journey.

Wednesdays, Jul 5-26, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=8f1a90bf19&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Caregivers Workshop

Caring for yourself as well as for your loved one 

This 2-hour interactive workshop is open to all caregivers of cancer patients. Sometimes caring for others comes at a cost to the caregiver. Do you have compassion fatigue? Come learn the symptoms, and how to use your own leisure repertoire to improve the quality of life for you and your loved one. Don't miss it!

Saturday, Jul 8, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=2436f98c7a&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Look Good Feel Better

Last chance at HopeSpring before the Fall session

This program is offered by the Canadian Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association Foundation. It is a coping skills workshop that helps women manage the appearance-related side-effects of treatment, such as hair loss and changes to skin tone.  Trained cosmeticians and hair replacement professionals teach skin care, cover-up and hair alternatives, and provide solutions for women to look good and feel better.  Participants are given a complimentary kit of cosmetics and personal care products for use at home.

Wednesday, July 12, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=277ede08eb&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Men's Program

Men supporting men

Come hang out with other guys who are going through cancer too! This program provides an opportunity for men who are patients in active or post treatment and caregivers to meet with each other for information gathering, networking, and conversation about their experience with cancer. Benefits of participating include increasing your overall well-being, gain information and reduce anxiety and depression. Take charge, gain confidence and become empowered. Registration required.

Wednesday, Jul 12, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=91c0d42f75&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Nutritional Grocery Store Tour for Healthy Eating

Join Heidi at Zehrs Laurentian for this informative tour!

Come join the registered in-store dietitian at the Zehrs Laurentian location for a food tour that will empower you to make healthier choices including eating solutions to deal with cancer side effects. Registration required.

Wednesday, Jul 12, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=bf60aaa367&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





The Financial Cost of Cancer: Exploring Possibilities

Learn what your options are this Wednesday

Come learn what financial options are available to help you! In this workshop you will receive an overview of the income maintenance programs and drug coverage options available to you. Applications for benefits will be available at the workshop. Only those who have been a patient or have a family member at GRRCC can be registered at this time

Wednesday, Jul 5, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Kitchener Location: Grand River Regional Cancer Centre, 835 King St W

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=16444ffbb9&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Women's Support Group Under 45

A good social circle for women facing cancer

Support among the group is offered, tips are shared and strategies for coping discussed.  A wide range of on top of mind topics are discussed each week including everyday life events, past, present or future. Come discuss concerns about your future cancer treatments, eating problems and relationship issues.  The group is warm and friendly and a good social circle for women with cancer.

Tuesday, Jul 11, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=2c8b4075d3&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





Friday Gentle Yoga for Symptom Management

Symptom relief while dealing with cancer

This is a gentle yoga to help exercise control over physical and emotional well-being by combining movements, breathing, stretching, body poses and meditation practice. This program is specifically for patients who have significant adverse physical symptoms (e.g., pain, instability, mobility problems due to surgery) that requires an especially gentle style of yoga that can be modified to each member's needs. The primary objective of this type of yoga session is symptom relief.

Friday, Jul 14, 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 
Kitchener Location: 16 Andrew St

 <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=a7cd71c485&e=ece80c31c3> Register online or call us at 519-742-4673 for more information or to sign up.





ThrowBack Fitness at Northfield Racquet & Fitness Club

September 9, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Throwback Fitness is for everyone: beginner, intermediate, seriously-bendy, however you are. It's about bringing our energy together to help support those impacted by cancer.

Come dressed as one of your favourite fitness personalities or dressed in your favourite fitness gear from the 70's and the 80's!

Featuring Old School Aerobics, Zumba, Cycling, and Yoga with great music to keep you moving from the 70's and 80's!

Prizes for the best dressed male and female as well as many other great giveaways!

Come and support HopeSpring. Cancer doesn't care. Show that you do.

Advance Registration: $25 (HST Included)
Tickets at the door: $30 (HST Included)

Contact: Northfield Racquet and Fitness Club, 155 Northfield Drive W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 5J3 519 884-7020 ext 117




Please  <http://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=6f5b627309&e=ece80c31c3> check our website for a full schedule
of programs & activities available this week



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