[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Important news from Prostate Cancer Canada

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Thu Dec 12 13:03:30 EST 2019

Hi all:

See below for an announcement from the CEO of Prostate Cancer Canada.




From: Peter Coleridge [mailto:peter at prostatecancer.ca] 
Sent: December 12, 2019 10:53 AM
To: glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Subject: Important news from Prostate Cancer Canada


Important update about Prostate Cancer Canada

 <https://mailchi.mp/201f6d7cdc71/important-news-from-prostate-cancer-canada-5755737?e=9db7527885> View online



Dear Glen,

The Prostate Cancer Canada (PCC) Board of Directors has approved an amalgamation with the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS). We are joining forces to continue to strengthen and grow our mission to save and improve even more lives. 

It’s important for you to know that all those affected by prostate cancer will continue to have access to important prostate cancer information and education materials, and benefit from CCS support initiatives.

It is equally important to know that all the initiatives of Prostate Cancer Canada will continue, but within the Canadian Cancer Society, an extensive regional structure will extend our national reach and presence. It means that your expertise, experience and passion which are so valuable to the cause, will continue to be needed as much as ever now under the broader umbrella of the CCS.   

Under the amalgamation agreement, funding for all of our prostate research projects will continue. In addition, our educational initiatives and work to influence government policy and health system practices to improve patient outcomes will continue.  

We hope we can continue to count on your invaluable support as we move into this exciting new phase.
As you know the fundraising landscape is competitive and crowded. Joining forces helps ensure important causes like ours are not just being sustained but that they thrive moving forward. Thanks to the expertise and hard work of the PCC team, we have been able to maintain our fundraising revenues over the last few years within the challenging fundraising environment. The Board and I feel that the capacity and scale, and regional structure of CCS will ensure the necessary support for prostate cancer research and other key prostate cancer programs will thrive in the future.   

Our strategic plan provides a solid blueprint to carry on the Prostate Cancer Canada mission under the CCS banner. It was launched before we had any idea that CCS would approach us. The plan provides a new road map for our work to end prostate cancer, and we are off to a great start in implementing our new mission and strategic goals.  

As you are aware, this is PCC’s 25th anniversary year and we have done an incredible job over this period. Since our founding, the death rate for prostate cancer has dropped by half.  When detected early, the survival rate is nearly 100 per cent. We raised $120 million for research. PCC... you... have made a real difference in the lives of so many people. Canadians are talking about prostate cancer more than they ever have and people affected by the disease have more support. Those are tremendous achievements that have changed lives and saved lives. 

We’ve come a long way, but to continue to grow we believe amalgamation is the best option.

The profile, reach and presence of the prostate cancer cause will be increased because we’ll be able to build on the local structure that CCS has across Canada. 

Now, I understand this might come as a surprise to you and you are naturally wondering about the future of the cause but I cannot emphasize enough that CCS wants the benefit of the expertise and passion provided by our key stakeholders. This decision was not taken lightly. Please be assured that the benefits to the cause and to the many Canadians and their families impacted by prostate cancer was uppermost in our minds as we deliberated.  

Joining forces is the best way to ensure that our collective mission continues and grows.

Although this agreement needs federal government approval, we are issuing a news release today announcing our intention to amalgamate. We think approval is a formality, but it could take a few months. We are tentatively planning to stage a more formal public event to celebrate our coming together in early February. 
Andrea Seale, CEO of the Canadian Cancer Society, will lead the amalgamated CCS organization and is looking forward to getting to know you. I’m committed to making this amalgamation happen as smoothly as possible, and once it’s completed, I’ll be moving on.  

Thank you again for all that you have done to date to change the face of prostate cancer, and we look forward to continuing to work with you.  

 Peter Coleridge <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1/images/04bffec6-d0e7-4e88-8be1-35fef6b5bdce.jpg>   Peter Coleridge <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/381dca877e43c44046caa6dd1/images/ae0ef21a-af4d-417f-b35b-9dc85d832955.jpg> 
 Peter Coleridge, MHSc 
 President and CEO 






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Prostate Cancer Canada

2 Lombard St, 3rd Floor

Toronto, ON M5C 1M1 


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