[Hopespringpcsg] FW: CCSN May Update

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Fri May 24 16:25:23 EDT 2019

Hi all:

See below for CCSN e-newsletter.




From: Canadian Cancer Survivor Network [mailto:info at survivornet.ca] 
Sent: May 24, 2019 11:40 AM
To: glen46nor at gmail.com
Subject: CCSN May Update


 <https://mailchi.mp/survivornet/ccsn-2019-may-update-999957?e=2e211ff547> View this email in your browser 



  <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/318d4e052fdd9593317146113/images/69051572-3972-4745-9e01-8a1051da7102.png> Canadian Cancer Survivor Network
May Update

CCSN Thanks Our Volunteers



Left Kings Hu, and Right, President Jackie Manthorne is seen here with Marina Canalejo. 


CCSN  would like to recognize and thank two volunteers who have helped us immensely over the past year. Marina Canalejo worked on public policy for our website. She wrote the sections on Head an Neck Cancer, Rare Cancers, Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation, Caregivers and general updates. 
Kings Hu, an internationally trained professional in HR, has completely updated CCSN's Human Resources policy manual to take into account the many changes in HR regulations over the past 24 months. Kings Hu also worked on volunteer intake, and verification and tracking of HR records.
They have gone on to remunerated opportunities and we wish them all the best. 




Strengthening The Voice of Liver Cancer Patients In Ontario



CCSN Staff, Patients and Members of the Jamison family at the Ontario Legislature. 


On Monday, April 29, 2019, the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN) hosted a legislative reception and luncheon in the Main Legislative Building of Queen’s Park. The focus of the event was to raise awareness about the facts and myths about liver cancer, and the timeliness, affordability, and access to treatments for liver cancer patients in Ontario. The reception also honoured the memory of those who lost their lives to liver cancer, including the late Norm Jamison, NDP MPP for Norfolk during the 35th Parliament from 1990 to 1995.

To view the full report click  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=f25e848b98&e=2e211ff547> here.






CORD: The Outlook Internationally on Rare Diseases




Patient advocates, health organizations, professionals and industry representatives from across the globe visited Toronto on May 10-12, 2019 to engage in a “Rare International Dialogue” on rare diseases and disorders.
The conference was hosted by Rare Diseases International (RDI) and the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders (CORD). This was the very first time an event of this caliber and partnership was held in North America.
To read the full report click  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=ed394cac55&e=2e211ff547> here. 




CCSN Partner Group Spotlight: Canadian Lung Cancer Advocacy Breathe Hope




 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=36d57d555e&e=2e211ff547> Canadian Lung Cancer Advocacy – Breathe Hope, was created by a small group of Canadian lung cancer patients.  At their core, they saw the value in having a supportive, collaborative and sharing community which would reach Canadian LC patients and caregivers from coast to coast.

#CanadianLCBreatheHope is driven by the following:

*	To establish a Canadian LC community made up of both patients and caregivers.
*	To provide a supportive, confidential environment for patients and caregivers to share their experiences.
*	To raise awareness about LC through personal contacts or events and through connections with national/provincial/ local stakeholder individuals or organizations.
*	To share new, innovative LC treatments and scientific research.
*	To bring attention to conference opportunities and web events.

For further details contact MaryAnn Bradley or Heather Hogan through  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=386f3b75d4&e=2e211ff547> messenger.




Most Recent Webinar




Oncologist Rob Rutledge provided practical advice and healing skills for people who are anxious about their cancer recurring. Rob draws on 25 years of clinical practice, over 50 skills for healing retreats, and the neuroscience of mind-body medicine to explain that anxiety is normal and expected, and what to do when it becomes overwhelming.
To watch click  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=bf4d2e10ef&e=2e211ff547> here. 




Catch up with CCSN's Free Webinar Series on YouTube




  <https://gallery.mailchimp.com/318d4e052fdd9593317146113/images/6fd90150-b293-48e0-bb7a-8194fa6c8329.png> If you missed any of CCSN's past webinars, they are all available for viewing on CCSN's YouTube channel!

Webinars are sorted into playlists by year for ease of browsing.

Subscribe to the channel in order to make sure you never miss a CCSN webinar!

 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=471fbb28bd&e=2e211ff547> Catch up with CCSN webinars here! 

In This Issue:

*	CCSN Thanks Our Volunteers
*	Strengthening The Voice of Liver Cancer Patients In Ontario
*	CORD: The Outlook Internationally on Rare Diseases
*	Partner Group Spotlight
*	Most Recent Webinar
*	Archives Webinars





May is Melanoma Awareness Month

Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, and unfortunately, 1 in 63 Canadians will be diagnosed with melanoma in their lifetime. For this reason, regular self-checks and safe sun practices are absolutely vital for people of all ages and skin tones.

Find out more about this cancer on CCSN's website, including risk factors, prevention, treatment, and resources:  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=53441566a2&e=2e211ff547> https://bit.ly/2Px5Hor  





Learn and remember the signs of thrombosis


Learn more about Blood Clots and the signs.
Visit  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=4a1abb7af1&e=2e211ff547> Thrombosis Canada. 
Check out their video on VTE and Cancer  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=8bc151ff7c&e=2e211ff547> here. 





Brain Tumour Registry of Canada
The BTR's goal is to provide comprehensive data on the incidence, prevalence, and survival rates for all primary brain tumours (malignant and non-malignant) periodically by important patient characteristics (location, histology, sex, age, and region) to better understand the patterns of occurrence and survival.
To learn more click  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=450a87f244&e=2e211ff547> here.





Free webinar hosted by Children's Healthcare Canada: Children Deserve Medications Adapted to their Needs – Why is Canada Lagging Behind?

Wed, Jun 12, 2019 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST
To learn more visit  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=12b8920919&e=2e211ff547> here.
Register  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=555616fbbf&e=2e211ff547> here.





Last chance to send in contact information. 
Draw for 5 $20 Amazon gift cards will happen June 1st. 
Please email  <mailto:admin at survivornet.ca?subject=Contact%20Information&body=First%20Name%3A%0ALast%20Name%3A%0ACity%3A%0AProvince%3A%0ACountry%3A%0AOrganization%3A%0AJob%20Title%3A> admin at survivornet.ca with the following information:

-First and Last Name
-If Applicable Organization and Job Title





Share Your Cancer Story

Your patient, caregiver or family cancer experiences may be able to help someone currently facing a diagnosis.

If you are willing to share your story, please send an email to  <mailto:communications at survivornet.ca?subject=Sharing%20My%20Cancer%20Story> communications at survivornet.ca. 





Get in Touch

Do you have a story or feature that you would like to see appear in our monthly e-letter?

If so, please send us an email at  <mailto:Do%20you%20have%20a%20story%20or%20feature%20that%20you%20would%20like%20to%20see%20appear%20in%20our%20monthly%20e-letter?%20%20If%20so,%20please%20send%20Allison an%20email%20at%20communications at survivornet.ca.?subject=Newsletter%20Contact> communications at survivornet.ca. 





Est-ce qu vous parlez français?

Si vous souhaitez recevoir en français notre bulletin électronique mensuel, veuillez nous en aviser à  <mailto:admin at survivornet.ca> admin at survivornet.ca.

Veuillez indiquer si vous souhaitez recevoir à la fois la version anglaise et française de ce bulletin. Merci! 





June: Celebrate Cancer Survivors!

With more than 1 million people living with and beyond cancer in the Canada today – and more than 32 million cancer survivors worldwide – everyone knows someone whose life has been touched by cancer.

In Canada, the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network has dedicated the month of June to recognize and celebrate cancer survivors, and work towards validation of the patient voice in cancer care decision making.

Find out more  <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=6d19e57e27&e=2e211ff547> here.

Follow us on social media!

 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=0528295530&e=2e211ff547> @survivornetca <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=2043a680bc&e=2e211ff547>  - our main twitter account of information, news and resources on all cancers
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=d0fc070bec&e=2e211ff547> @bestbreastnews - information on breast health and breast cancer
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=db67d61dd2&e=2e211ff547> @prostatepost - news, events and resources on prostate cancer
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=3d9c494819&e=2e211ff547> @canadianmeso - details on asbestos and mesothelioma
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=2d8e1b8f6e&e=2e211ff547> @LungCancerCan - focuses on lung cancer news, events and awareness
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=e5c5162fef&e=2e211ff547> @CCSNpoli - general, non-partisan talk about the politics of healthcare and cancer care
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=5f1f8c70fc&e=2e211ff547> @MedMarijuanaCan <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=b7ea55945c&e=2e211ff547>  - news and information regarding medical marijuana
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=43acc5faa3&e=2e211ff547> @stomachcancerca - resources and articles on stomach cancer 
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=492d90b159&e=2e211ff547> @cervicalcanca - information and news on cervical cancer and HPV
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=5994011146&e=2e211ff547> @melanomacan - information and resources on melanoma
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=7885968a52&e=2e211ff547> @LiverCancerCA – news and information on liver cancer
 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=f2f60cf13f&e=2e211ff547> @headandneckcan - everything you need to know about head and neck cancer

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 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=df74277f2d&e=2e211ff547> Slideshare  •   <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=59479bd6a6&e=2e211ff547> Pinterest  •   <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=b9e7e4c516&e=2e211ff547> Weekly Newsletter (Paper.li)


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Canadian Cancer Survivor Network

1750 Courtwood Crescent,

Suite 210

Ottawa, ON K2C 2B5 


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