[Hopespringpcsg] FW: [PPML] "How Often Does MRI Miss the Mark in Prostate Ca?" (fwd)

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 11:29:31 EDT 2019

Hi all:
See below for a comment & link to  an article on MRI detection of PCa.

Subject: Re: [PPML] "How Often Does MRI Miss the Mark in Prostate Ca?" (fwd)

Multiparametric MRI's of the prostate are not 'perfect', even when conducted and interpreted by true experienced experts.
And, too many local community imaging centers with the MRI equipment and software are far from 'expert'.
However, there is plenty of evidence that a mp-MRI targeted biopsy will miss less significant cancer than a conventional 12-core random biopsy.
The current consensus seems to be to supplement even an 'expert'
mp-MRI-targeted biopsy with additional sextant cores if there are factors suspicious for prostate cancer.  And, currently, the only way to appropriately stage a prostate cancer is to obtain a sample of the suspicious tissue for a biopsy.
The Best to you and yours!

> "How Often Does MRI Miss the Mark in Prostate Ca?"
> https://www.medpagetoday.com/meetingcoverage/cap/82369

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