[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Wrap Up

Glen Tolhurst glen46nor at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 15:57:09 EDT 2019

Hi all:

See below for a note from PCC wrt Prostate Cancer Awareness month.




From: john baxter [mailto:jhsbax at gmail.com] 


Begin forwarded message:

From: Anne Breakey Hart <anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca>
Date: October 2, 2019 at 1:06:56 PM EDT
To: Anne Breakey Hart <anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca>
Subject: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month Wrap Up

Hello everyone,


Now that September has wrapped up I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for all the work you did within your groups to highlight prostate cancer awareness month!  So very much appreciated and I know that more people will learn about prostate cancer because of your efforts and lives will be saved.


Here are some of the things that support groups took the lead on throughout the month:

·         Cruisin’ for a Cure Canada (sponsored by PCCN Brampton with major assistance from the Prostate Extreme Team) held the 13th Annual Car show in Brampton on September 8th providing free PSA tests for all eligible men.  Stanley Cup winning coach and prostate cancer survivor Mike Keenan attended this year to lend his support. 

·         The BC groups held a weekend long conference 20/20 and Beyond during the first weekend in September!  Excellent conference and special thanks to the organizing committee!  Well done!  It was great to join you with my colleague from Prostate Cancer Canada, Paulysha De Gannes and to finally get to meet some people who I have known and worked with for a really long time!  Also great to have members from other groups across the country participate.

·         Several groups had their mayors sign proclamations and/or participated in flag raisings including Milton, Thunder Bay, Medicine Hat (for Medicine Hat and Redcliff),Peterborough (which I was also able to attend), Dieppe, Town of Riverview, Halifax, and Moncton.

·         PCCN Thunder Bay held the Annual Men Make it Happen Day on Sept 29th – also providing free PSA testing and really interesting speakers – please see a pre new article by clicking on the link below

https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/thunder-bay-men-over-45-invited-to-free-health-clinic-sunday-1.5299816 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cbc.ca_news_canada_thunder-2Dbay_thunder-2Dbay-2Dmen-2Dover-2D45-2Dinvited-2Dto-2Dfree-2Dhealth-2Dclinic-2Dsunday-2D1.5299816&d=DwQFAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=VV1LUpyMlajFjRGD3IhqBP9DSk_y9eZQ7i6s0l6uNiwQmJ6WdWEFdN9hXQY-T8Hc&m=KVrHxkWRH2zl6qEPv-fJseNRXo0uhs8qtBh7DwawMjU&s=tDFWVW2yxtDqMkoOOLvf0h3OwLHWqhubEdSv-AN0eUQ&e=> 

·         And if you were anywhere in Ottawa, Ontario during the month, PCCN Ottawa did a bit of a twist on awareness with very unique posters on their city buses!!  I didn’t actually see any of the posters but I did get to come to Ottawa for the regular monthly meeting unexpectedly.  It was a great night!! 

·         If I have missed anyone, please let me know!


In addition to the regular proclamations, flag raisings, illuminations, stories and big events such as our Wake Up Call Breakfasts, Prostate Cancer Canada had excellent media and social media coverage. Here’s a glimpse of the coverage: (Please click on the links in the body of the email)


o   We announced <https://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer-Canada-Blog/September-2019/$2-million-invested-in-new-prostate-cancer-researc>  the 2019 winners of our $2 million in Discovery Grants. (Promising research across the country)

o   The Globe and Mail <https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/adv/article-prostate-cancers-changing-landscape/>  published the first of a four-part series on prostate cancer early in the month, this one focused on progress over the last 25 years. 

o   Our social media content performed really well during the month, especially the posts promoting the stories of Robert Pullan <https://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer-Canada-Blog/April-2019/An-afterthought-saved-his-life>  and Thomas Maxwell <https://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer-Canada-Blog/May-2019/Thomas-Story-Living-with-prostate-cancer-that-has>  – for whom the PSA test played an important role in their diagnosis.

o   On Saturday, Sept 21st we held the inaugural Celebrity Battle of the BBQ in Toronto. There were great radio and TV stories in the days leading up to it that drove additional registrations. About 300 people attended the Saturday evening Battle. And teams competed with celebrity chefs for the top award judged by several of the chefs from Food Network Canada- many of whom have a personal connection to prostate cancer. (You will be able to see some of the photos on our Facebook and Twitter pages shortly).

o   On September 26th, Prostate Cancer Canada released the findings of the survey our Mission team led this past year on Canadians’ awareness of prostate cancer. You can read the blog <https://www.prostatecancer.ca/Prostate-Cancer-Canada-Blog/September-2019/1-5-million-Canadian-men-over-50-at-unnecessary-ri>  and news release <https://www.prostatecancer.ca/In-The-News/Foundation-News-Releases/1-5-million-Canadian-men-over-50-now-at-unnece-(1)>  on our website. (Special thanks to all who participated in the survey).

o   There was some great media pick up on the survey that showed a shocking estimate of 1.5 million Canadian men 50+ never having taken a PSA test:


§  Pauline Chan, the CTV Health and Wellness reporter did a segment that aired on the 6 p.m. news.  Watch it and read her accompanying article here <https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/1-in-4-canadian-men-don-t-get-early-detection-tests-for-prostate-cancer-survey-1.4612373>  

§  Listen to Peter Coleridge, PCC’s President and CEO’s  interview <https://omny.fm/shows/the-john-oakley-show/peter-coleridge-pres-ceo-prostate-cancer-canada-on>  on AM640, the John Oakley Show

§  Both Peter and Dr. Stuart Edmonds, Vice President, research, Health Promotion and Survivorship had separate interviews on several different radio stations. 

o   Survivor Chris Watson <https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1792187>  appeared on CTV News in the afternoon of Saturday, September 28  (Chris is one of the leaders of PCCN Oakville-Mississauga) 

o   The second <https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/adv/article-personalizing-treatment-for-every-man-with-prostate-cancer/>  of a four part series in The Globe and Mail sponsored by Janssen Inc. appeared on September 30th. The final two stories are coming in October. ( I will share these with you once they are published).


We will always say there is so much more to do but we want to thank you for your commitment to increase awareness of prostate cancer.  For all you do to help save and improve more lives we are so very grateful!


Many thanks, 



Anne Breakey Hart, CVA
Manager, PCCN and Volunteer Engagement | Prostate Cancer Canada

Gestionnaire, Mobilisation des bénévoles | Cancer de la Prostate Canada

T 416-441-2131 ext./poste 229 | E  <mailto:anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca> anne.breakeyhart at prostatecancer.ca


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 <http://www.facebook.com/prostatecancercanada> facebook   <http://www.twitter.com/prostatecancerc> twitter  Youtube  <https://www.instagram.com/prostatecancerc/?hl=en> Image result for instagram icon


Saving and improving more lives. That’s what our new Strategic Plan will help us achieve – together. Find out more:  <http://www.prostatecancer.ca/About-Us/Strategic-Plan?utm_source=pcc_email_signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=owned_media> prostatecancer.ca/strategicplan 


Sauver et améliorer plus de vies. Notre nouveau Plan Stratégique nous aidera à réaliser cela – ensemble. Pour en savoir plus :  <http://www.prostatecancer.ca/About-Us/Strategic-Plan?lang=fr-CA&utm_source=pcc_email_signature&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=owned_media> prostatecancer.ca/planstrategique





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