[Hopespringpcsg] FW: MPCSG - Newsletter Meeting Cancellation reminder

glen46nor at gmail.com glen46nor at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 15:56:46 EDT 2020

Hi all:

See below for the link to the Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group e-newsletter. 

There is a very good article on mpMRI (multi parametric MRI) use in PCa detection.

Take care,




Hello and welcome to all our members. We hope you are in good spirits and enjoying a beautiful and calm April. Our thoughts and best wishes are with all the membership during this unsettled time.  When all the stresses, anxieties  and uncertainty end - and they will end - we can expect a better appreciation and respect for each other and the world around us. 


Unfortunately: As a precautionary measure, our meetings have been postponed effective immediately.


Please communicate this cancellation to other members (if encountered). Thank you.


Here is our Monthly Newsletter link at the MPCSG website: http://manpros.org/newsletter/2020/mpcsgapr20.pdf

Meeting:     April 2020  CANCELLED

After much consideration, and as a precautionary measure, the Manitoba Prostate Cancer Support Group has decided to postpone all of our meetings in response to the evolving public health situation with COVID-19.

The health and safety of our community, event attendees, volunteers, and venue partners remains our highest priority. As we continue to monitor guidance related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Province of Manitoba and the Public Health Agency of Canada, we are committed to taking appropriate precautions to provide a safe environment that does not place our event attendees, volunteers and community members at undue risk.

We want to ensure that we are providing appropriate leadership and guidance to our members, board, volunteers, and program participants. 


Please visit our website for current and future MPCSG updated activities and information.   <https://www.manpros.org/> https://www.manpros.org/ 


 Reminder-  Next Gathering:      

Wednesday:      NOVEMBER 20, 2019 


Location: The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Winnipeg, 603 Wellington Crescent 

Time:        7 ā€“ 9 pm.  
Free Admission:     Everyone Welcome 

Plenty of free parking:   (overflow parking across the street)   ā˜† Door prizes ā˜† 


This is the wind-up event for the 2019 program. Thereā€™s no speaker but there is a potluck smorgasbord along with live musical entertainment. Donā€™t miss it 



November Newsletter:         <http://manpros.org/newsletter/2019/mpcsgnov19.pdf> http://manpros.org/newsletter/2019/mpcsgnov19.pdf    


Also, you can experience a valuable interactive prostate cancer journey (link attached)


ā€œGo to  <https://nam10.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ifiweretom.ca&data=02%7C01%7C%7Ce5817c4b58c346b8a28e08d74b48edfd%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637060648904966952&sdata=F3P2ksUTQNrGMCVMxYujapDlyaK4bn4Xt7fy8ZKTlPA%3D&reserved=0> www.ifiweretom.ca and see how you could help Tom deal with a diagnosis of Prostate Cancer. What would you do in Tomā€™s place? It takes a few minutes to cover 6 short scenes.  After each scene you get to make a choice for Tom. You get to see how your choice stacks up against choices made by others on Tomā€™s behalf.ā€



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