[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Register Now! Two CCSN Webinars: Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Patients and Canada's New Drug Pricing Rules

glen46nor at gmail.com glen46nor at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 15:24:10 EDT 2020

Hi all:

See below for the Canadian Cancer Society Network e-newsletter.

Take care & stay well.



From: Canadian Cancer Survivor Network 
Sent: July 8, 2020 12:18 PM
To: glen46nor at gmail.com
Subject: Register Now! Two CCSN Webinars: Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Patients and Canada's New Drug Pricing Rules











 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=444fc04217&e=2e211ff547> Register Now! 


 Impact of COVID-19 on Cancer Patients and their Ability to Receive Treatment

Presented by Marjut Huotari
VP - Healthcare Insights, Leger

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020 - 11:00am - 12:00pm ET


In this webinar: 

The COVID-19 pandemic has put cancer patients in the untenable situation of limiting access to essential cancer care, including tests, treatments and clinical trials, while at the same time having to worry about contracting COVID-19 in their immune-compromised condition.
To assess the extent to which the disruption of cancer care caused by COVID-19 in Canada is impacting cancer patients and their caregivers, the Canadian Cancer Survivor Network (CCSN) engaged Leger, an independent market research agency, to conduct a national survey of more than 1,200 cancer patients and caregivers across the country.
Join CCSN and Leger as we present the results of the COVID-19 & Cancer Care Disruption in Canada Survey. 

 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=d423db93ba&e=2e211ff547> Registration for the webinar: Impact of COVID-19 & Cancer Care Disruption in Canada Survey Results

Can't attend?

Be sure to register in order to have a copy of the presentation's slides and Youtube video sent to you after the webinar. 


 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=e8ae1ff7a4&e=2e211ff547> Register Now! 






 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=8c0cdaab0b&e=2e211ff547> Register Now! 


Canada's New Drug Pricing Rules: 
What Are the Implications for Cancer Patients?

Presented by Ryan Clarke, Founder of Advocacy Solutions and        Wayne Critchley, Senior Associate of Global Public Affairs 

Thursday, July 16th, 2020 - 1:00pm- 2:00pm ET


In this webinar: 

New federal regulations governing the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) and the regulation of drug prices will come into effect in six months’ time (on January 1, 2021). These changes have been very controversial. The PMPRB has just released its proposed guidelines to implement the new regulations and is now consulting on them with stakeholders and the public.

Join CCSN and our presenters, Ryan Clarke from Advocacy Solutions and Wayne Critchley from Global Public Affairs, to learn more about: 

*	The new drug pricing rules.
*	The expected impact of the latest changes and implications for cancer patients.
*	Guidance to support the cancer community’s engagement at this stage of regulatory reform.

 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=5f02cf0db8&e=2e211ff547> Registration for the webinar: Canada's New Drug Pricing Rules is now open

Can't attend?

Be sure to register in order to have a copy of the presentation's slides and Youtube video sent to you after the webinar.  


 <https://survivornet.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=318d4e052fdd9593317146113&id=931b38086c&e=2e211ff547> Register Now! 


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