[Hopespringpcsg] FW: [PPML] the fading PPML vs. ACTIVE PCa FORUMS

glen46nor at gmail.com glen46nor at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 18:56:49 EDT 2020

Hi all:
See below for some active PCa forums... mostly US.. but good info  sources.

There are several very active prostate cancer forums out there. One of them that has most come to my attention is the UsToo group:


One of the co-founders of UsToo was the late Dr. Gerald Chodak, and for that reason, the group has a particular resonance for me. You are likely to find more messaging activity on their Inspire forum that you would want to keep up with.

A “facebooby” group that has emotional resonance for me is Jacquie Strax's PSA-Rising:


The moderator of this group is a long-time PPML participant.

Of course, one of the best patient info sites has been Mike Scott’s InfoLink, where over the years he has provided us with utterly excellent commentary:


As for the PPML - it has been slowly fading. Founded in 1995 by a patient, Ed Price, this pioneering mailing list was probably the first patient forum on the internet to reach significant size:


Ed appointed me as a moderator in 2003, and we continued to be a very active forum for several years afterward. As the internet has evolved over the years, other forums have come into being that have become much more active. I have proposed in a message here that we might shut down the PPML, but there was a flood of protests from old-timers on this list, and I just figured, what the heck, let things develop as they will, and have continued to maintain the list with assistance from a couple of other folks who like to remain sort of anonymous.

Charles Clausen
For the PPML Facilitators
prostate-request at listserv.acor.org

PPML is a service of Prostate Cancer International, Inc.

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