[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Sharing, Caring and My Story at HopeSpring

glen46nor at gmail.com glen46nor at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 10:37:25 EST 2021

Hi all:

See  below for the HopeSpring weekly e-newsletter.

Take care & stay well.



From: Mary Lou at HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre 
Sent: February 16, 2021 7:31 AM
To: Glen <glen46nor at gmail.com>
Subject: Sharing, Caring and My Story at HopeSpring


 <https://mailchi.mp/hopespring/weeklyemail-2021-02-16-2021?e=ece80c31c3> View this email in your browser 


Dear Glen,
This is what's happening remotely at HopeSpring this week.  





My Story  




So many of our community have beautiful stories to share about their cancer journey; what they found helpful, encouraging, discoveries along the way, what they learned about themselves, stories that could help others. We would encourage anyone currently going through a journey or past journeys to share here. To contribute, send your story to Mary Lou Miller at HopeSpring at marketing at hopespring.ca <mailto:marketing at hopespring.ca> 

This week in MY STORY we hear from Dot Kohler. Dot's contribution is a beautiful story of facing the unknown and it's outcomes, of her determination and how she garnered strength from her supporters both known and unknown.

Dot also shared that she has found the Women's Cancer Support Circle (aka Group) at HopeSpring invaluable and a safe place for a cancer patient. She mentioned that through her journey that she had reconnected with a friend from her past, who had also been going through her own journey with cancer. She found out that this friend had the same type of rare breast cancer and that she was the one to encourage Dot to check out the support group. Dot said that between having her friend there and the support group at HopeSpring, has made all the difference. 

Thanks again Dot for being courageous in your journey and for sharing your story with the many here. We wish you all the best from the team at HopeSpring. 





In the Sharing of Our Stories
by Dot Kohler


So just after supper, I picked up an urgent message that an echocardiogram was booked for 07:30 the next morning. I was up north, three hours away and so packed up the car and started the drive back home, tears falling (sad, angry, disappointed, maybe all three). This is normal I think when life gets interrupted. I was just at the start of my journey with breast cancer.

Those tears disappeared by the time I hit the 401 (music is good for the soul); it was dark and pouring great big splats on the windshield making it hard to see and I was sure someone had erased those little white lines separating the lanes. I got that sick panicky feeling that at any moment I would careen off the road, or worse, into someone else’s lane, so I hit the hazards button.  Two cars, one on either side of my centre lane came up beside me also threw on their hazard lights, and for a brief few moments, the three of us pretty much side by side navigated the treacherous downpour. 

Exactly this is what I’ve experienced in a thunderous way in my own life. People coming alongside me, sometimes not saying very much but just being present — listening. I joined HopeSpring’s Women’s Cancer Support group on Tuesday nights. For introverts, this is such a huge step and yet, even now when we are meeting via Zoom, my heart sinks if I miss a meeting. A while back, I wrote:

In the sharing of our stories,

it's not like we hand over 

pieces of ourselves,

parcel out our pain,

expecting others to take it away,

to rescue us.


in our talking and listening

in breathing out and taking in 

the hard and confusing and funny parts,

something shifts:

we find our own words

and discover 

we no longer need to hold everything,

feel the entire weight ourselves.

The miracle is 

we all 

leave lighter.


I often feel this whole journey with breast cancer is a bit like driving in the dark with the thudding rain where I see just one or two little dotted lines on the road, where the destination is not yet in sight. I’m so very grateful for my circle of friends;  for the many ways that HopeSpring comes along side offering really creative, practical, caring support. 

 February 2021





Many Thanks for Your Support 









Updates on the after effects of the fire at The Inn of Waterloo

Many thanks to our wonderful community for the support shown recently after the fire at our home space at The Inn of Waterloo. The outpouring of support has humbled us, the kind words, check-ins, donations, sharing and comments of posts on social media, contributions of items, and monetary donations, this support means the world to us.

As we continue to assess the situation and determine next steps, we want our community to know that we feel your love and support and that it makes all the difference to us.

To view the full length press statement on the affects of the fire on HopeSpring from our Board President  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=608523616f&e=ece80c31c3> read more

For direction if you wish to help with the Fire Relief Fund and efforts <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=053e1df645&e=ece80c31c3>  read more

Listen in this week for our Board President, when he appears on CBC Radio Kitchener-Waterloo, on The Moring Edition, Wednesday, February 17 at 7:20am for more. 





A Note From Amy 





This week Amy explains what to expect from a cancer care counselling session?  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=fd965120e7&e=ece80c31c3> Read more 










Meeting will take place from 6-6:30pm. 





If you have made a donation to our giving partner's platform CanadaHelps in 2020, you may have received an email recently reminding you that you can download your tax receipts by using the RECEIPT DOWNLOAD TOOL. 
Most of you would have downloaded a receipt when you made your donation, sometimes those receipts get misplaced and you need to retrieve them, the RECEIPT DOWNLOAD TOOL can help you with this.  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=9bd959f40b&e=ece80c31c3> CanadaHelps

If anyone has mailed in a donation in 2020, your receipts will be processed and sent out this month. 





Bonus Programs Available-Registration Required 





 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=5e15ccdbb2&e=ece80c31c3> To register or discover LOOK GOOD FEEL BETTER visit  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=e6e2adeff4&e=ece80c31c3>  lgfb.ca




Prostate Cancer Support Group Waterloo-Wellington-Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 

 Scan above to go directly to PCCN website. 


Are you a man with Prostate Cancer, a family member of someone with Prostate Cancer or a caregiver supporting someone with Prostate Cancer? The  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=dbaa3842c0&e=ece80c31c3> Prostate Cancer Support Group Waterloo-Wellington chapter is here for you. 
.For our next virtual support group meeting - In person meetings are suspended because of the  pandemic, but PCSG Waterloo Wellington meets via ZOOM the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7pm. Join our mailing list for meeting invites.

You may join our mailing group by clicking  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=67a0282389&e=ece80c31c3> here. Keep informed of the activities of Prostate Cancer Support Group – Waterloo Wellington.    





ISO Helpers 


 <mailto:marketing at hopespring.ca?subject=Share%20My%20Story&body=Hello%2C%20I%20am%20interested%20in%20sharing%20my%20cancer%20journey%20story%20with%20HopeSpring.%20%0A> 

At HopeSpring, we want to provide our community with a deeper understanding of how this past year has been especially challenging and isolating for our cancer patients. 

Your story matters!
Whether you are newly diagnosed, in treatment or beyond, your words have power, and can help someone get through isolation. 
If you are comfortable, we would be incredibly honoured if you could share how HopeSpring has made an impact in your life during the pandemic.

Six inspiration tips to get you started on how HopeSpring helped you: 

1.	What have you found incredibly helpful
2.	What have you overcome and how
3.	Any program that you especially enjoy and why
4.	Something that was memorable
5.	A quote, a phrase something that you read
6.	A photograph and why it has meaning

If you are interested in sharing your story, please email Mary Lou Miller at  <mailto:marketing at hopespring.ca?subject=Share%20My%20Story&body=Hello%2C%20I%20am%20interested%20in%20sharing%20my%20cancer%20journey%20story%20with%20HopeSpring.%20%0A> marketing at hopespring.ca. Thanking you in advance. 





ISO Sewing Enthusiasts!!! Looking for a project?

What:  Pattern, fabric and sew a drain pouch holder and pillow like the example above.
Contact: Interested people, please contact Nohelia by email at volunteer at hopespring.ca <mailto:volunteer at hopespring.ca>  for pattern info and fabric suggestions
The pillows are used for cancer patients and are used to attach on and off PJ's, pants etc. 





Recipes and Nutrition 





When You Should See a Community Dietitian?
Cancer and cancer treatment can affect your appetite (when you do not have a feeling of hunger or interest in food). You may also have questions about what you should eat.
Talk to your health care team about any trouble you have eating (e.g. upset stomach, trouble swallowing) or if it becomes harder to eat.

A Registered Dietitian has training in food and nutrition. A Registered Dietitian will work with you to make a plan that fits your goals and lifestyle.

Visit  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=461b481131&e=ece80c31c3> https://www.hopespring.ca to continue reading.  





Plan Your Week Here- Programs Available for You  




Please register for all programs by following the links below, visiting  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=3145aa43b5&e=ece80c31c3> www.hopespring.ca or calling 519-742-4673 

This Week:
Monday, February 15-Closed for Family Day,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=d250800f3c&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm
Tuesday, February 16 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b10a59c386&e=ece80c31c3> Women's Support Group Daytime with Tammy: 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=df98cb236a&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Yoga For Symptom Management with Tammy: 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. via Zoom
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=c97c66bff7&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 10:30-2pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=c26952f951&e=ece80c31c3> Qi Gong with Joel 7:30-9pm
Wednesday, February 17 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=21e4ad13ae&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=4d004f22ff&e=ece80c31c3> Men's Support Group with Shawn via Zoom 6:30-8pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=dd32dee4b8&e=ece80c31c3> Music Therapy for Cancer Patients via Zoom 2-3pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=ed9057a2f9&e=ece80c31c3> Meditation with Carolyn via Zoom 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday, February 18 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=8305c31d77&e=ece80c31c3> Cancer Care Counselling via Telephone or Zoom,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=56d2d2c34c&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 10:30-2pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=14b1baf96f&e=ece80c31c3> Tai Chi with Judy via Zoom 10-11:30am, <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=6e52bee9d6&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Movement and Community Conversations via Zoom 10-11:30am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=ab7d254bee&e=ece80c31c3> Ovarian Support Group with Amy via Zoom 1:30-3:30pm
Friday, February 19 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b3958dbc14&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm, <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=2267805554&e=ece80c31c3>  Music Therapy for the Caregiver via Zoom 3:30-4:40pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=8b92de5ba4&e=ece80c31c3> Chemo Brain via Zoom 2-3pm
Saturday, February 20 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=a9c9c62c1b&e=ece80c31c3> Puddle Jumpers via Zoom  9-10:30am, <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=150bcaf276&e=ece80c31c3>  Yoga for Cancer Recovery via Zoom 9:30-10:30am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=9b280d8ac1&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 10:30am-2:30pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=99f7be1c79&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Flow and Let Go with Ahn via Zoom 10-11:30am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=efd26eacec&e=ece80c31c3> Music Therapy for Youth via Zoom 1-2pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=e131bdbb61&e=ece80c31c3> Art Therapy via Zoom 10-11:30am
 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=8e3cd785d3&e=ece80c31c3> https://www.hopespring.ca/programs/knowyourlemons
Coming Up:
Monday, February 22 - <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=9255838deb&e=ece80c31c3>  Cancer Care Counselling via Telephone or Zoom,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=c2990b448a&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=0e7603cab1&e=ece80c31c3> Caregivers Support Group with Amy 4-6pm via Zoom, Know Your Lemons, via Zoom 7pm
Tuesday, February 23 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=e0f08e1faf&e=ece80c31c3> Women's Support Group Daytime with Tammy 11:30am-1pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=c638d2a10e&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Yoga Symptom Management with Tammy via Zoom 1:30pm-3pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=8ea37dd5bd&e=ece80c31c3> Qi Gong with Joel via Zoom 7:30-9pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=9bd628362f&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom  10:30-2:30pm
Wednesday, February 24 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=e60f10efb4&e=ece80c31c3> Music Therapy for Cancer Patients with Meredith via Zoom 2:00-3:30pm   <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=06a279e331&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=151fbb393c&e=ece80c31c3> Zentangle with Cindy, via Zoom 1-2pm
Thursday, February 25 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=1db592eab7&e=ece80c31c3> Cancer Care Counselling via Telephone or Zoom,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=779f001565&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Movement and Community Conversations via Zoom 10:00-11:30am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=ac7513aded&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 10:30-2:30pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=4afa4ca5e0&e=ece80c31c3> Tai Chi with Judy via Zoom 10-11:30am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b1c32b47df&e=ece80c31c3> Mediation with Tammy via Zoom 6:30-8:30pm
Friday, February 26 -   <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=d4a84dd90f&e=ece80c31c3> Music Therapy for Caregivers with Meredith via Zoom 3:30-5pm   <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=20ea1d1229&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 4-8pm
Saturday, February 27 -  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b9ae5f9ac9&e=ece80c31c3> Peer Support via Zoom 10:30am-2:30pm,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=a1a246f77b&e=ece80c31c3> Gentle Flow and Let Go with Anh via Zoom 9:30am - 11:00am,  <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=b7284d6e0b&e=ece80c31c3> Music Therapy for Youth with Meredith via Zoom 1-2:30pm


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=d350abc7bb&e=ece80c31c3> View All Winter 2021 Programs 




 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=9e5bd1a379&e=ece80c31c3> Find Alternative Programs 


Looking for alternative programs? Use the green button above to review all the alternative programs and resources we have compiled.

Know of a great, free online resource? Share it with us by emailing  <mailto:concierge at hopespring.ca?subject=alternative%20online%20programming> concierge at hopespring.ca and we will add it to our list. 




 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=044fade761&e=ece80c31c3> Donate to HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre 








 <mailto:marketing at hopespring.ca> 




Copyright © 2021 HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre, All rights reserved. 
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or through our facility 

Our mailing address is: 

HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre

475 King St N

Tower Suite

Waterloo, ON N2J 2Z5 


 <https://hopespring.us5.list-manage.com/vcard?u=245009009133a608181d89b73&id=a8f86d6a14> Add us to your address book


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