[Hopespringpcsg] FW: Burlington PCS Zoom Meeting - Tues, Feb 23th - 7:00 pm - Dealing with Urinary Incontinence

Glen Tolhurst glen.tolhurst at sympatico.ca
Mon Feb 22 14:14:06 EST 2021

Hi all:

See below for link /invite to ZOOM meeting for PCS Burlington.

Note - it conflicts with our PCSG W-W monthly meeting.

Take care & stay well.




From: Gary Foote - PCCN Brampton 
Sent: February 22, 2021 1:46 PM
To: visact at rogers.com
Subject: Burlington PCS Zoom Meeting - Tues, Feb 23th - 7:00 pm - Dealing
with Urinary Incontinence


Our next Burlington meeting will be of interest with those suffering from or
anticipating urinary incontinence before and after treatment, especially
after surgery (RP).


The speaker is Christina Dzieduszycki, a physiotherapist who is specializing
in treating men before and after treatments for Prostate Cancer. 

Christina will demonstrate the physiology and treatment that will greatly
improve or fix (in some cases) urinary leakage. 

She is currently doing research at St. Joseph's Health Care in Hamilton with
Dr. Bobby Shayegan.


Find out why KEGELS are for women and HEGELS are for men. 

There is a huge difference and most men are doing it wrong today!


To join the meeting: Launch Meeting - Zoom



Bob Allan

PCS Burlington


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